Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

After getting into a boat, Jesus crossed to the other side and came to his own city. All at once some people brought him a paralyzed man lying on a stretcher. When Jesus saw their faith, he told the paralyzed man, "Be courageous, son! Your sins are forgiven." Then some of the scribes told themselves, "This fellow is blaspheming!" read more.
But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking, replied, "Why do you have such evil thoughts in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, "Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, "Get up and walk'? But so you will know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"" he told the paralyzed man, "Get up, pick up your stretcher, and go home!" So the man got up and went home. When the crowds saw this, they became frightened and glorified God for giving such authority to humans. As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's desk and told him, "Follow me." So he got up and followed him. While he was having dinner at Matthew's home, many tax collectors and sinners arrived and began eating with Jesus and his disciples. The Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" When Jesus heard that, he said, "Healthy people don't need a physician, but sick people do. Go and learn what this means: "I want mercy and not sacrifice,' because I did not come to call righteous people, but sinners." Then John's disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples don't fast?" Jesus asked them, "The wedding guests can't mourn as long as the groom is with them, can they? But the time will come when the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast." "No one patches an old garment with a piece of unshrunk cloth, because the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results. Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will spill out, and the skins will be ruined. Instead, they pour new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved." While Jesus was telling them these things, an official came up and fell down before him. "My daughter has just died," he said. "But come and lay your hand on her, and she will live." So Jesus got up and followed him, along with his disciples. Just then a woman who had been suffering from chronic bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the tassel of his garment, because she had been saying to herself, "If I just touch his robe, I will get well." When Jesus turned and saw her, he said, "Be courageous, daughter! Your faith has made you well." And from that very hour the woman was well. When Jesus came to the official's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion, he said, "Go away! The young lady hasn't died, but is sleeping." But they ridiculed him with laughter. When the crowd had been driven outside, he went in, took her by the hand, and the young lady got up. The news of this spread throughout that land.

When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax came up to Peter and asked, "Your teacher pays the temple tax, doesn't he?"

Then they went to Capernaum. As soon as it was the Sabbaths, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were utterly amazed at his teaching, because he was teaching them like one with authority, and not like their scribes. All of a sudden, there was a man in their synagogue who had an unclean spirit! He screamed, read more.
"What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are the Holy One of God!" But Jesus rebuked him. "Be quiet," he ordered, "and come out of him!" At this, the unclean spirit shook the man, cried out with a loud voice, and came out of him. All the people were so stunned that they kept saying to each other, "What is this? A new teaching with authority! He tells even the unclean spirits what to do, and they obey him!" At once his fame began to spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. After they left the synagogue, they went directly to the house of Simon and Andrew, along with James and John. Now Simon's mother-in-law was lying in bed, sick with a fever, so they promptly told Jesus about her. He went up to her, took her by the hand, and helped her up. The fever left her, and she began serving them. When evening came, after the sun had set, people started bringing to him everyone who was sick or possessed by demons. In fact, the whole city gathered at the door. He healed many who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. However, he wouldn't allow the demons to speak because they knew who he was. In the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got up and went to a deserted place and prayed there. Simon and his companions searched frantically for him. When they found him, they told him, "Everyone's looking for you." "Let's go to the neighboring town," he replied, "so I can preach there, too, because that's why I came." So he went throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. Then a leper came to Jesus and began pleading with him. He fell on his knees and told him, "If you want to, you can make me clean." Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand, touched him, and told him, "I do want to. Be made clean!" Instantly the leprosy left him, and he was clean. Then Jesus sternly warned him and encouraged him to go at once. He told the man, "Be sure that you don't tell anyone. Instead, go and show yourself to the priest, and then offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded as proof to the authorities." But when the man left, he began to proclaim it freely. He spread the news so widely that Jesus could no longer enter a town openly, but had to stay out in deserted places. Still, people kept coming to him from everywhere.

Jesus went into the synagogue again, and a man with a paralyzed hand was there. The people watched Jesus closely to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, intending to accuse him of doing something wrong. He told the man with the paralyzed hand, "Come forward." read more.
Then he asked them, "Is it lawful to do good or to do evil on Sabbath days, to save a life or to destroy it?" But they remained silent. Jesus looked around at them in anger, deeply hurt because of their hard hearts. Then he told the man, "Hold out your hand." The man held it out, and his hand was restored to health. Immediately the Pharisees and Herodians went out and began to plot how to kill him.

After Jesus had finished saying all these things to the people who were there listening, he went to Capernaum. There a centurion's servant, whom he valued highly, was sick and about to die. When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him to ask him to come and save his servant's life. read more.
So they went to Jesus and begged him repeatedly, "He deserves to have this done for him, because he loves our people and built our synagogue for us." So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to tell Jesus, "Sir, stop troubling yourself, because I'm not worthy to have you come under my roof. That's why I didn't presume to come to you. But just say the word, and let my servant be healed, because I, too, am a man under authority and have soldiers under me. I say to one "Go' and he goes, to another "Come' and he comes, and to my servant "Do this' and he does it." When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him. Turning to the crowd that was following him, he said, "I tell you, not even in Israel have I found this kind of faith!" Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant in perfect health.

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family.

got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. Darkness had already fallen, and Jesus had not yet come to them. A strong wind was blowing, and the sea was getting rough. After they had rowed about 25 or 30 stadia, they saw Jesus walking on the sea toward their boat. They became terrified. read more.
But he told them, "It is I. Stop being afraid!" So they were glad to take him on board, and immediately the boat reached the land toward which they were going. The next day, the crowd that had remained on the other side of the sea noticed that only one boat had been there, and no other, and that Jesus had not gotten into that boat with his disciples. Instead, his disciples had gone away by themselves. Other small boats from Tiberias arrived near the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks. When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into these boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. When they had found him on the other side of the sea, they asked him, "Rabbi, when did you get here?"

He said this while teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum.

Then he told her, "Because you have said this, go! The demon has left your daughter." So she went home and found her child lying in bed, and the demon was gone.

Jesus told him, ""If you are able?' Everything is possible for the person who believes!" With tears flowing, the child's father at once cried out, "I do believe! Help my unbelief!" When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, "You spirit that won't let him talk or hear I command you to come out of him and never enter him again!" read more.
The spirit screamed, shook the child violently, and came out. The boy was like a corpse, and many said that he was dead. But Jesus took his hand and helped him up, and he stood up.

because his only daughter, who was about twelve years old, was dying. While Jesus was on his way, the crowds continued to press in on him. A woman was there who had been suffering from chronic bleeding for twelve years. Although she had spent all she had on doctors, no one could heal her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the tassel of his garment, and her bleeding stopped at once. read more.
Jesus asked, "Who touched me?" While everyone was denying it, Peter and those who were with him said, "Master, the crowds are surrounding you and pressing in on you." Still Jesus said, "Somebody touched me, because I know that power has gone out of me." When the woman saw that she couldn't hide, she came forward trembling. Bowing down in front of him, she explained in the presence of all the people why she had touched Jesus and how she had been instantly healed. Then he told her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace." While he was still speaking, someone came from the synagogue leader's home and told him, "Your daughter is dead. Stop bothering the teacher anymore." But when Jesus heard this, he told the synagogue leader, "Stop being afraid! Just believe, and she will get well." When he arrived at the man's house, he allowed no one to go in with him except Peter, John, James, and the young girl's father and mother. Now everyone was crying and wailing for her. But Jesus said, "Stop crying! She's not dead. She's sleeping." They laughed and laughed at him, because they knew she was dead. But he took her hand and called out, "Young lady, get up!" So her spirit returned, and she got up at once. Then Jesus directed that she be given something to eat. Her parents were amazed, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.

Suddenly, a man in the crowd shouted, "Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, because he is my only child. Without warning a spirit takes control of him, and he suddenly screams, goes into convulsions, and foams at the mouth. The spirit mauls him and refuses to leave him. I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn't." read more.
Jesus answered, "You unbelieving and perverted generation! How much longer must I be with you and put up with you? Bring your son here!" Even while the boy was coming, the demon knocked him to the ground and threw him into convulsions. But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family. Now this was the second sign that Jesus did after coming from Judea to Galilee.

and told him, "Go and wash in the pool of Siloam" (which is translated "Sent One"). So he went off, washed, and came back seeing.

Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand, touched him, and told him, "I do want to. Be made clean!"

When Jesus saw them, he told them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." While they were going, they were made clean.

He told her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed from your illness."

Then he told her, "Because you have said this, go! The demon has left your daughter."

Jesus told him, "Go. Your faith has made you well." At once the man could see again, and he began to follow Jesus down the road.

Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant in perfect health.

While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive.

He was listening to Paul as he spoke. Paul watched him closely, and when he saw that he had faith to be healed,

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family.

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family. Now this was the second sign that Jesus did after coming from Judea to Galilee.

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family. Now this was the second sign that Jesus did after coming from Judea to Galilee.

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family. Now this was the second sign that Jesus did after coming from Judea to Galilee.

So Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. Meanwhile, in Capernaum there was a government official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him repeatedly to come down and heal his son, because he was about to die. Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." read more.
The official told him, "Sir, please come down before my little boy dies." Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive. So he asked them at what hour he had begun to recover, and they told him, "The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock in the afternoon." Then the father realized that this was the very hour when Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." So he himself believed, along with his whole family.

When Jesus returned to Capernaum, a centurion came up to him and begged him repeatedly, "Sir, my servant is lying at home paralyzed and in terrible pain." Jesus told him, "I will come and heal him." read more.
The centurion replied, "Sir, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed, because I, too, am a man under authority and I have soldiers under me. I say to one of them "Go' and he goes, to another "Come' and he comes, and to my servant "Do this' and he does it." When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and told those who were following him, "I tell all of you with certainty, not even in Israel have I found this kind of faith! I tell all of you, many will come from east and west and will feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom from heaven. But the unfaithful heirs of that kingdom will be thrown into the darkness outside. In that place there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth." "Go," Jesus told the centurion, "and it will be done for you, just as you have believed." And his servant was healed that very hour.

When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him to ask him to come and save his servant's life. So they went to Jesus and begged him repeatedly, "He deserves to have this done for him, because he loves our people and built our synagogue for us." read more.
So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to tell Jesus, "Sir, stop troubling yourself, because I'm not worthy to have you come under my roof. That's why I didn't presume to come to you. But just say the word, and let my servant be healed, because I, too, am a man under authority and have soldiers under me. I say to one "Go' and he goes, to another "Come' and he comes, and to my servant "Do this' and he does it." When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him. Turning to the crowd that was following him, he said, "I tell you, not even in Israel have I found this kind of faith!" Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant in perfect health.

Jesus told him, "Go home. Your son will live." The man believed what Jesus told him and started back home. While he was on his way, his servants met him and told him that his child was alive.