Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

After this, the Lord appointed 70 other disciples and was about to send them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place that he intended to go. So he instructed them, "The harvest is vast, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into his harvest. Get going! See, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. read more.
Don't carry a wallet, a traveling bag, or sandals, and don't greet anyone on the way. "Whatever house you go into, first say, "May there be peace in this house.' If a peaceful person lives there, your greeting of peace will remain with him. But if that's not the case, your greeting will come back to you. Stay with the same family, eating and drinking whatever they provide, because the worker deserves his pay. Don't move from house to house. "Whenever you go into a town and the people welcome you, eat whatever they serve you, heal the sick that are there, and tell them, "The kingdom of God is near you!' But whenever you go into a town and people don't welcome you, go out into its streets and say, "We're wiping off your town's dust that clings to our feet in protest against you! But realize this: the kingdom of God is near!' I tell you, on the last day it will be easier for Sodom than for that town!" "How terrible it will be for you, Chorazin! How terrible it will be for you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that happened in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. It will be easier for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you! And you, Capernaum! You won't be lifted up to heaven, will you? You'll go down to Hell! The person who listens to you listens to me, and the person who rejects you rejects me. The person who rejects me rejects the one who sent me."

"Therefore, the LORD God of Israel has declared, "I did, in fact, say that your family and your ancestor's family would walk before me forever,' but now the LORD declares, "Far be it from me! The one who honors me I'll honor, and the one who despises me is to be treated with contempt.

"A son honors his father and a servant his master. So if I'm a father, where is my honor? And if I'm a master, where is my respect?" says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies to you priests who are despising my name. "But you ask, "How have we despised your name?'

Later, Adam had sexual relations with his wife Eve. She became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "I have given birth to a male child the LORD." And she did it again, giving birth to his brother Abel. Abel shepherded flocks and Cain became a farmer. Later, after a while, Cain brought an offering to the LORD from the fruit that he had harvested, read more.
while Abel brought the best parts of some of the firstborn from his flock. The LORD looked favorably upon Abel and his offering, but he did not look favorably upon Cain and his offering. When Cain became very upset and depressed, the LORD asked Cain, "Why are you so upset? Why are you depressed? If you do what is appropriate, you'll be accepted, won't you? But if you don't do what is appropriate, sin is crouching near your doorway, turning toward you. Now as for you, will you take dominion over it?"

"A son honors his father and a servant his master. So if I'm a father, where is my honor? And if I'm a master, where is my respect?" says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies to you priests who are despising my name. "But you ask, "How have we despised your name?' By presenting defiled food on my altar. And you ask, "How have we defiled you?' By saying, "The Table of the LORD is contemptible.' When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? And when you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Offer that to your governor would he be pleased with you or receive you favorably?" asks the LORD of the Heavenly Armies. read more.
"And now, go ahead and implore God by saying, "Be gracious to us.' Will he receive you favorably and accept offerings like that from your hand?" asks the LORD of the Heavenly Armies. "Oh, that one of you would shut the Temple doors and not light useless fires on the altar! I'm not pleased with you," says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, "and I'll accept no offerings from you.

"You have spoken arrogant words against me," says the LORD. "Yet you ask, "What did we say against you?'

"A son honors his father and a servant his master. So if I'm a father, where is my honor? And if I'm a master, where is my respect?" says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies to you priests who are despising my name. "But you ask, "How have we despised your name?' By presenting defiled food on my altar. And you ask, "How have we defiled you?' By saying, "The Table of the LORD is contemptible.'

"But you are profaning my name by saying that the Table of the LORD is defiled and that its fruit and its food are contemptible.

"Ever since the time of your ancestors, you have turned away from my decrees and haven't kept them. Return to me and I'll return to you," says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies. "But you ask, "How will we return?' "Will a person rob God? Yet you are robbing me! But you ask, "How are we robbing you?' "By the tithe and the offering.

"A son honors his father and a servant his master. So if I'm a father, where is my honor? And if I'm a master, where is my respect?" says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies to you priests who are despising my name. "But you ask, "How have we despised your name?'

All who are under the yoke of slavery should regard their own masters as deserving of the highest respect, so that the name of God and our teaching may not be discredited.

"A son honors his father and a servant his master. So if I'm a father, where is my honor? And if I'm a master, where is my respect?" says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies to you priests who are despising my name. "But you ask, "How have we despised your name?'