Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Then He rose and left that place and went into the neighbourhood of Tyre and Sidon. Here He entered a house and wished no one to know it, but He could not escape observation.

And Simon and the others searched everywhere for Him.

And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal.

But the people saw them going, and many knew them; and coming by land they ran together there from all the neighbouring towns, and arrived before them.

At that time a demoniac was brought to Him, blind and dumb; and He cured him, so that the dumb man could speak and see. And the crowds of people were all filled with amazement and said, "Can this be the Son of David?" The Pharisees heard it and said, "This man only expels demons by the power of Baal-zebul, the Prince of demons." read more.
Knowing their thoughts He said to them, "Every kingdom in which civil war has raged suffers desolation; and every city or house in which there is internal strife will be brought low. And if Satan is expelling Satan, he has begun to make war on himself: how therefore shall his kingdom last? And if it is by Baal-zebul's power that I expel the demons, by whose power do your disciples expel them? They therefore shall be your judges. But if it is by the power of the Spirit of God that I expel the demons, it is evident that the Kingdom of God has come upon you. Again, how can any one enter the house of a strong man and carry off his goods, unless first of all he masters and secures the strong man: then he will ransack his house. "The man who is not with me is against me, and he who is not gathering with me is scattering abroad. This is why I tell you that men may find forgiveness for every other sin and impious word, but that for impious speaking against the Holy Spirit they shall find no forgiveness. And whoever shall speak against the Son of Man may obtain forgiveness; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, neither in this nor in the coming age shall he obtain forgiveness." "Either grant the tree to be wholesome and its fruit wholesome, or the tree poisonous and its fruit poisonous; for the tree is known by its fruit. O vipers' brood, how can you speak what is good when you are evil? For it is from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks. A good man from his good store produces good things, and a bad man from his bad store produces bad things. But I tell you that for every careless word that men shall speak they will be held accountable on the day of Judgement. For each of you by his words shall be justified, or by his words shall be condemned."

and Judas Iscariot, the man who also betrayed Him. And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal. Hearing of this, His relatives came to seize Him by force, for they said, "He is out of his mind." read more.
The Scribes, too, who had come down from Jerusalem said, "He has Baal-zebul in him; and it is by the power of the Prince of the demons that he expels the demons." So He called them to Him, and using figurative language He appealed to them, saying, "How is it possible for Satan to expel Satan? For if civil war breaks out in a kingdom, nothing can make that kingdom last; and if a family splits into parties, that family cannot continue. So if Satan has risen in arms and has made war upon himself, stand he cannot, but meets his end. Nay, no one can go into a strong man's house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house. In solemn truth I tell you that all their sins may be pardoned to the sons of men, and all their blasphemies, however they may have blasphemed; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, he remains for ever unabsolved: he is guilty of a sin of the Ages." This was because they said, "He is possessed by a foul spirit."

On once occasion He was expelling a dumb demon; and when the demon was gone out the dumb man could speak, and the people were astonished. But some among them said, "It is by the power of Baal-zebul, the Prince of the demons, that he expels the demons."

And, knowing their thoughts, He said to them, "Every kingdom in which civil war rages goes to ruin: family attacks family and is overthrown. And if Satan really has engaged in fierce conflict with himself, how shall his kingdom stand?--because you say that I expel demons by the power of Baal-zebul. And if it is by the power of Baal-zebul that I expel the demons, by whom do your disciples expel them? They therefore shall be your judges. read more.
But if it is by the power of God that I drive out the demons, it is evident that the Kingdom of God has come upon you. "Whenever a strong man, fully armed and equipped, is guarding his own castle, he enjoys peaceful possession of his property; but as soon as another stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away that complete armour of his in which he trusted, and distributes the plunder he has collected. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever is not gathering with me is scattering abroad.

At that time a demoniac was brought to Him, blind and dumb; and He cured him, so that the dumb man could speak and see. And the crowds of people were all filled with amazement and said, "Can this be the Son of David?" The Pharisees heard it and said, "This man only expels demons by the power of Baal-zebul, the Prince of demons." read more.
Knowing their thoughts He said to them, "Every kingdom in which civil war has raged suffers desolation; and every city or house in which there is internal strife will be brought low. And if Satan is expelling Satan, he has begun to make war on himself: how therefore shall his kingdom last? And if it is by Baal-zebul's power that I expel the demons, by whose power do your disciples expel them? They therefore shall be your judges. But if it is by the power of the Spirit of God that I expel the demons, it is evident that the Kingdom of God has come upon you. Again, how can any one enter the house of a strong man and carry off his goods, unless first of all he masters and secures the strong man: then he will ransack his house. "The man who is not with me is against me, and he who is not gathering with me is scattering abroad. This is why I tell you that men may find forgiveness for every other sin and impious word, but that for impious speaking against the Holy Spirit they shall find no forgiveness. And whoever shall speak against the Son of Man may obtain forgiveness; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, neither in this nor in the coming age shall he obtain forgiveness." "Either grant the tree to be wholesome and its fruit wholesome, or the tree poisonous and its fruit poisonous; for the tree is known by its fruit. O vipers' brood, how can you speak what is good when you are evil? For it is from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks. A good man from his good store produces good things, and a bad man from his bad store produces bad things. But I tell you that for every careless word that men shall speak they will be held accountable on the day of Judgement. For each of you by his words shall be justified, or by his words shall be condemned."

and Judas Iscariot, the man who also betrayed Him. And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal. Hearing of this, His relatives came to seize Him by force, for they said, "He is out of his mind." read more.
The Scribes, too, who had come down from Jerusalem said, "He has Baal-zebul in him; and it is by the power of the Prince of the demons that he expels the demons." So He called them to Him, and using figurative language He appealed to them, saying, "How is it possible for Satan to expel Satan? For if civil war breaks out in a kingdom, nothing can make that kingdom last; and if a family splits into parties, that family cannot continue. So if Satan has risen in arms and has made war upon himself, stand he cannot, but meets his end. Nay, no one can go into a strong man's house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house. In solemn truth I tell you that all their sins may be pardoned to the sons of men, and all their blasphemies, however they may have blasphemed; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, he remains for ever unabsolved: he is guilty of a sin of the Ages." This was because they said, "He is possessed by a foul spirit."

On once occasion He was expelling a dumb demon; and when the demon was gone out the dumb man could speak, and the people were astonished. But some among them said, "It is by the power of Baal-zebul, the Prince of the demons, that he expels the demons." Others, to put Him to the test, asked Him for a sign in the sky. read more.
And, knowing their thoughts, He said to them, "Every kingdom in which civil war rages goes to ruin: family attacks family and is overthrown. And if Satan really has engaged in fierce conflict with himself, how shall his kingdom stand?--because you say that I expel demons by the power of Baal-zebul. And if it is by the power of Baal-zebul that I expel the demons, by whom do your disciples expel them? They therefore shall be your judges. But if it is by the power of God that I drive out the demons, it is evident that the Kingdom of God has come upon you. "Whenever a strong man, fully armed and equipped, is guarding his own castle, he enjoys peaceful possession of his property; but as soon as another stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away that complete armour of his in which he trusted, and distributes the plunder he has collected. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever is not gathering with me is scattering abroad. "When a foul spirit has left a man, it roams about in the Desert, seeking a resting-place; but, unable to find any, it says, 'I will return to the house I have left;" and when it comes, it finds the house swept clean and in good order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more malignant than itself, and they enter and dwell there; and in the end that man's condition becomes worse than it was at first.

Soon great crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were crippled in feet or hands, blind or dumb, and many besides, and they hastened to lay them at His feet. And He cured them,

Meanwhile the people had come streaming towards Him by tens of thousands, so that they were trampling one another under foot. And now He proceeded to say to His disciples first, "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is to say, beware of hypocrisy.

And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal.

And great crowds followed Him, coming from Galilee, from the Ten Towns, from Jerusalem, and from beyond the district on the other side of the Jordan.

when a vast multitude of people crowded round Him. He therefore went on board a boat and sat there, while all the people stood on the shore.

and the whole town was assembled at the door.

Again He went out to the shore of the Lake, and the whole multitude kept coming to Him, and He taught them.

Soon great crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were crippled in feet or hands, blind or dumb, and many besides, and they hastened to lay them at His feet. And He cured them,

Meanwhile the people had come streaming towards Him by tens of thousands, so that they were trampling one another under foot. And now He proceeded to say to His disciples first, "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is to say, beware of hypocrisy.

And He went into a house. But again the crowd assembled, so that there was no opportunity for them even to snatch a meal.

And great crowds followed Him, coming from Galilee, from the Ten Towns, from Jerusalem, and from beyond the district on the other side of the Jordan.

when a vast multitude of people crowded round Him. He therefore went on board a boat and sat there, while all the people stood on the shore.

and the whole town was assembled at the door.

Again He went out to the shore of the Lake, and the whole multitude kept coming to Him, and He taught them.