Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Then, answering, Jesus said to her - O woman! great, is, thy faith! Be it, done, for thee, as thou desirest. And her daughter was healed, from that hour.

and he said to her - Because of this word, go thy way, the demon hath gone forth out of thy daughter; and, departing unto her house, she found the child laid prostrate on the couch, and the demon gone forth.

And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. read more.
And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

because he had, an only-begotten daughter, about twelve years old, and, she, was dying. Now, as he withdrew, the multitudes, were hemming him in. And, a woman, with a flow of blood of twelve years standing, who indeed could, from no one, be cured, coming near behind, touched the fringe of his mantle; and, instantly, was stayed the flow of her blood. read more.
And Jesus said - Who, is it that touched me? And, when all were denying, Peter said - Master! the multitudes, are hemming thee in, and pressing along. But, Jesus, said - Some one touched me, for, I, took note of power, gone out from me. And, the woman seeing that she had not escaped notice, trembling, came, and, falling down before him, reported before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed instantly! And, he, said to her - Daughter! thy faith, hath saved thee: Go thy way into peace. While yet he is speaking, there cometh one from the synagogue ruler's, saying - Thy daughter, is dead: No further, be troubling the teacher. But, Jesus, hearing, answered him - Do not fear! Only believe, and she shall be saved. And, when he came into the house, he suffered no one to enter with him, save Peter and John and James, and the father of the girl, and the mother. And they were all weeping, and beating themselves, for her. And he said - Be not weeping; for she died not, but is sleeping. And they were deriding him, knowing that she died. But, he, grasping her hand, called aloud, saying - O girl! arise! And her spirit returned, and she rose up instantly, and he ordered that something should be given her to eat. And her parents were beside themselves. But, he, charged them to tell, no one, what had happened.

And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is. And lo! a spirit, taketh him, and, suddenly, he crieth out, - and it convulseth him - with foaming, and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not. read more.
And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son. And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.

So he came again into Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water, wine. And there was a certain courtier, whose son was sick, in Capernaum. The same, hearing that Jesus had come out of Judaea into Galilee, came away unto him, and began requesting him, that he would come down and heal his son; for he was on the point of dying. Jesus therefore said unto him - Except, signs and wonders, ye see, in nowise will ye believe. read more.
The courtier saith unto him - Sir! come down, ere my child die! Jesus saith unto him - Be going thy way: thy son, liveth! And the man believed in the word which Jesus spake to him, and at once went his way. And, when he was even now going down, his servants, met him, saying, that, his boy, was living. So he enquired the hour, from them, when he began, to amend. They said, therefore, unto him - Yesterday, at the seventh hour, the fever left him. So the father took note that it was, in that hour, wherein Jesus said unto him - Thy son, liveth! and he believed, he, and all his house. Now, this again, as, a second sign, Jesus did, after coming out of Judaea into Galilee.

But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

And, when they came unto the multitude, there approached him a man, falling on his knees to him, and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water. And I brought him unto thy disciples, and they could not cure, him. read more.
And Jesus, answering, said - O faithless and perverted generation! How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to me, here. And Jesus rebuked it; and the demon came out of him, - and cured was the boy, from that hour.

And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; and, wheresoever it seizeth him, it teareth him, and he foameth, and grindeth his teeth, and weareth himself out; - and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me! read more.
And they brought him unto him. And, seeing him, the spirit, straightway tare him, - and, falling upon the ground, he wallowed, foaming. And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood; and, many times, hath it cast him, both into fire, and into waters, that it might destroy him; but, if anything be possible to thee, help us, have compassion upon us. And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

And it came to pass, on the next day, when they came down from the mountain, that there met him a great multitude. And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is. And lo! a spirit, taketh him, and, suddenly, he crieth out, - and it convulseth him - with foaming, and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. read more.
And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not. And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son. And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.

And it came to pass, on the next day, when they came down from the mountain, that there met him a great multitude. And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is. And lo! a spirit, taketh him, and, suddenly, he crieth out, - and it convulseth him - with foaming, and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. read more.
And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not. And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son. And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.

And, when they came unto the multitude, there approached him a man, falling on his knees to him, and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water. And I brought him unto thy disciples, and they could not cure, him. read more.
And Jesus, answering, said - O faithless and perverted generation! How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to me, here. And Jesus rebuked it; and the demon came out of him, - and cured was the boy, from that hour. Then, the disciples, coming near, to Jesus, privately, said - Wherefore could, we, not cast it out? And, he, saith unto them - Because of your little faith. For, verily, I say unto you - If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to this mountain, remove hence yonder; and it shall be removed, and, nothing, shall be impossible to you.

And, coming unto the disciples, they saw a large multitude around them, and Scribes discussing with them. And, straightway, all the multitude, seeing him, were greatly amazed, and, running near, began saluting him. And he questioned them - What are ye discussing with them? read more.
And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; and, wheresoever it seizeth him, it teareth him, and he foameth, and grindeth his teeth, and weareth himself out; - and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me! And they brought him unto him. And, seeing him, the spirit, straightway tare him, - and, falling upon the ground, he wallowed, foaming. And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood; and, many times, hath it cast him, both into fire, and into waters, that it might destroy him; but, if anything be possible to thee, help us, have compassion upon us. And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up. And, when he had gone into a house, his disciples, privately, were questioning him - Why, were, we, not able to cast it out? And he said unto them - This kind, by nothing, can come out, save, by prayer.

But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water.

And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; and, wheresoever it seizeth him, it teareth him, and he foameth, and grindeth his teeth, and weareth himself out; - and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me! read more.
And they brought him unto him. And, seeing him, the spirit, straightway tare him, - and, falling upon the ground, he wallowed, foaming. And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood; and, many times, hath it cast him, both into fire, and into waters, that it might destroy him; but, if anything be possible to thee, help us, have compassion upon us. And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

And, when they came unto the multitude, there approached him a man, falling on his knees to him, and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water. And I brought him unto thy disciples, and they could not cure, him. read more.
And Jesus, answering, said - O faithless and perverted generation! How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to me, here. And Jesus rebuked it; and the demon came out of him, - and cured was the boy, from that hour. Then, the disciples, coming near, to Jesus, privately, said - Wherefore could, we, not cast it out? And, he, saith unto them - Because of your little faith. For, verily, I say unto you - If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to this mountain, remove hence yonder; and it shall be removed, and, nothing, shall be impossible to you.

And, coming unto the disciples, they saw a large multitude around them, and Scribes discussing with them. And, straightway, all the multitude, seeing him, were greatly amazed, and, running near, began saluting him. And he questioned them - What are ye discussing with them? read more.
And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; and, wheresoever it seizeth him, it teareth him, and he foameth, and grindeth his teeth, and weareth himself out; - and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me! And they brought him unto him. And, seeing him, the spirit, straightway tare him, - and, falling upon the ground, he wallowed, foaming. And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood; and, many times, hath it cast him, both into fire, and into waters, that it might destroy him; but, if anything be possible to thee, help us, have compassion upon us. And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up. And, when he had gone into a house, his disciples, privately, were questioning him - Why, were, we, not able to cast it out? And he said unto them - This kind, by nothing, can come out, save, by prayer.

And it came to pass, on the next day, when they came down from the mountain, that there met him a great multitude. And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is. And lo! a spirit, taketh him, and, suddenly, he crieth out, - and it convulseth him - with foaming, and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. read more.
And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not. And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son. And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. And they were all being struck with astonishment, at the majesty of God. And, while all were marvelling at all things which he was doing, he said unto his disciples:

And, when they came unto the multitude, there approached him a man, falling on his knees to him, and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water. And I brought him unto thy disciples, and they could not cure, him. read more.
And Jesus, answering, said - O faithless and perverted generation! How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to me, here. And Jesus rebuked it; and the demon came out of him, - and cured was the boy, from that hour. Then, the disciples, coming near, to Jesus, privately, said - Wherefore could, we, not cast it out? And, he, saith unto them - Because of your little faith. For, verily, I say unto you - If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to this mountain, remove hence yonder; and it shall be removed, and, nothing, shall be impossible to you.

And, coming unto the disciples, they saw a large multitude around them, and Scribes discussing with them. And, straightway, all the multitude, seeing him, were greatly amazed, and, running near, began saluting him. And he questioned them - What are ye discussing with them? read more.
And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; and, wheresoever it seizeth him, it teareth him, and he foameth, and grindeth his teeth, and weareth himself out; - and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me! And they brought him unto him. And, seeing him, the spirit, straightway tare him, - and, falling upon the ground, he wallowed, foaming. And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood; and, many times, hath it cast him, both into fire, and into waters, that it might destroy him; but, if anything be possible to thee, help us, have compassion upon us. And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up. And, when he had gone into a house, his disciples, privately, were questioning him - Why, were, we, not able to cast it out? And he said unto them - This kind, by nothing, can come out, save, by prayer.

And it came to pass, on the next day, when they came down from the mountain, that there met him a great multitude. And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is. And lo! a spirit, taketh him, and, suddenly, he crieth out, - and it convulseth him - with foaming, and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. read more.
And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not. And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son. And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. And they were all being struck with astonishment, at the majesty of God. And, while all were marvelling at all things which he was doing, he said unto his disciples:

And, when they came unto the multitude, there approached him a man, falling on his knees to him, and saying - Lord! have mercy upon my son, - because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water. And I brought him unto thy disciples, and they could not cure, him. read more.
And Jesus, answering, said - O faithless and perverted generation! How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to me, here. And Jesus rebuked it; and the demon came out of him, - and cured was the boy, from that hour. Then, the disciples, coming near, to Jesus, privately, said - Wherefore could, we, not cast it out? And, he, saith unto them - Because of your little faith. For, verily, I say unto you - If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to this mountain, remove hence yonder; and it shall be removed, and, nothing, shall be impossible to you.

And, coming unto the disciples, they saw a large multitude around them, and Scribes discussing with them. And, straightway, all the multitude, seeing him, were greatly amazed, and, running near, began saluting him. And he questioned them - What are ye discussing with them? read more.
And one out of the multitude answered him - Teacher! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; and, wheresoever it seizeth him, it teareth him, and he foameth, and grindeth his teeth, and weareth himself out; - and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me! And they brought him unto him. And, seeing him, the spirit, straightway tare him, - and, falling upon the ground, he wallowed, foaming. And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood; and, many times, hath it cast him, both into fire, and into waters, that it might destroy him; but, if anything be possible to thee, help us, have compassion upon us. And, Jesus, said unto him - As for this, If it be possible to thee, all things, are possible, to him who hath faith. Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying - I have faith! help my, want, of faith. And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it - Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him. And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying - He is dead! But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up. And, when he had gone into a house, his disciples, privately, were questioning him - Why, were, we, not able to cast it out? And he said unto them - This kind, by nothing, can come out, save, by prayer.

And it came to pass, on the next day, when they came down from the mountain, that there met him a great multitude. And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying - Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is. And lo! a spirit, taketh him, and, suddenly, he crieth out, - and it convulseth him - with foaming, and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. read more.
And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not. And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son. And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. And they were all being struck with astonishment, at the majesty of God. And, while all were marvelling at all things which he was doing, he said unto his disciples:

But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.

But, Jesus, grasping his hand, raised him, and he stood up.