Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

but still, that we may not influence them to do anything wrong, go down to the sea and throw over a hook. Pull in the first fish that bites, open its mouth and you will find in it a dollar. Take it and pay the tax for both of us."

And suddenly a furious storm came up, so that the boat was being covered over by the bursting billows, but He kept on sleeping. So they went to Him and woke Him up, and said, "Lord, save us; we are going down!" And He said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you with little faith?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. read more.
And the men were dumbfounded, and said, "What sort of man is this, for even the winds and the sea obey Him!" When He reached the other side, in the district of Gadara, there faced Him two men, who were under the power of demons, who were just coming out from the tombs. They were such terrors that nobody could pass that way. And they suddenly screamed, "What do you want of us, you Son of God? Have you come here before the appointed time to torture us?" Now there was not far from there a large drove of hogs feeding. And the demons kept begging Him and saying, "If you are going to drive us out, send us into the drove of hogs." And He said to them, "Be gone!" And they went out of the men and got into the hogs, and suddenly the whole drove, in a stampede, rushed over the cliff into the sea, and died in the water.

And He at once had the disciples get into the boat and cross to the other side ahead of Him, while He dismissed the crowds. After He had dismissed the crowds, He went up the hill alone to pray. And after the evening came on, He was there alone, but the boat was already a long way from shore, and was being tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. read more.
Just before day He went out to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" And they screamed with fright. Then Jesus at once spoke to them, "Be men of courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Peter answered Him, "Lord, if it is you, let me come to you on the water." And He said, "Come." And Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water, and he went toward Jesus. But when he felt the wind, he was frightened, and as he began to go down, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus at once put out His hand and caught hold of him, and said to him, "O you of little faith! Why did you waver so?" And when they got into the boat, the wind lulled, And the men in the boat worshiped Him, and said, "You are certainly God's Son."

But a furious squall of wind came up, and the waves were dashing over into the boat, so that it was fast filling. He was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. So they woke Him up and said to Him, "Teacher, is it no concern to you that we are going down?" Then He aroused Himself and reproved the wind, and said to the sea, "Hush! Be still." And the wind lulled, and there was a great calm.

Once as the crowd was pressing against Him to hear the message of God, He found Himself standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret. Then He saw two boats lying up on the shore of the lake, but the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. So He got into one of the boats, which belonged to Simon, and asked him to push out a little from the shore. Then He sat down and continued to teach the crowds from the boat. read more.
When He stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Push out into deep water, and set your nets for a haul." Simon answered, "We have toiled all night and caught nothing, but since you tell me to do so, I will set the nets again." They did so and caught so vast a shoal of fish that their nets began to break. So they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' feet and said, "Leave me, Lord, because I am a sinful man." For at the haul of fish that they had made, bewildering amazement had seized him and all his men,

One day He got into a boat with His disciples, and He said to them, "Let us cross to the other side of the lake." So they set sail. Now as they were sailing along, He fell off to sleep. But a furious squall of wind rushed down upon the lake, and they were filling up and were in impending peril. So they came to Him and woke Him up, and said, "Master, Master, we are perishing? Then He aroused Himself and reproved the wind and the surge of the water, and they stopped at once and instantly there came a calm.

After this Jesus again showed Himself to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias, and this is the way He showed Himself. Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathaniel of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples of Jesus, were all together. Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We are going with you too." They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. read more.
Now just as day was breaking, Jesus took His stand on the shore, though the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. So Jesus said to them, "Lads, you have no fish, have you?" They answered, "No." Then He said to them, "Set your net on the right side of the boat, and you will catch them." They did so, and they could not drag it in for the big catch of fish. So that disciple whom Jesus used to love tenderly said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he belted on his fisherman's coat, for he had taken it off, and plunged into the sea. The rest of the disciples followed in the little boat, for they were not far from shore -- only about a hundred yards -- dragging in the net full of fish. When they landed, they saw a charcoal fire all made and a fish lying on it; also some bread. Jesus said to them, "Fetch some of the fish you have just caught." So Simon Peter got into the boat, and pulled the net ashore, full of big fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and though there were so many, the net was not torn.

And He at once had the disciples get into the boat and cross to the other side ahead of Him, while He dismissed the crowds. After He had dismissed the crowds, He went up the hill alone to pray. And after the evening came on, He was there alone, but the boat was already a long way from shore, and was being tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. read more.
Just before day He went out to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" And they screamed with fright. Then Jesus at once spoke to them, "Be men of courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Peter answered Him, "Lord, if it is you, let me come to you on the water." And He said, "Come." And Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water, and he went toward Jesus. But when he felt the wind, he was frightened, and as he began to go down, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus at once put out His hand and caught hold of him, and said to him, "O you of little faith! Why did you waver so?" And when they got into the boat, the wind lulled, And the men in the boat worshiped Him, and said, "You are certainly God's Son."

Then He insisted that the disciples at once get into their boat and cross ahead of Him toward Bethsaida, while He was sending the crowd away. After He had told them "Goodbye," He went up the hill to pray. Now when evening had come, the boat was in the middle of the sea, while He was alone on land. read more.
And because He saw that they were struggling at the oars, for the wind was against them, a while before daybreak He started toward them walking on the sea, and He meant to go right up beside them. But when they saw Him walking on the sea, they thought that it was a ghost and screamed aloud, for they all saw Him and were terrified. But He at once spoke to them and said, "Keep up courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Then He went up to them and got into the boat, and the wind lulled. They were completely dumbfounded, for they did not understand the lesson of the loaves; their minds were dull.

When the people, therefore, saw the wonder-works that He performed, they began to say, "This is surely the prophet who was to come into the world." So when Jesus learned that they were going to come and carry Him off by force to crown Him king, He again retired to the hill by Himself. When evening came, His disciples went down to the sea read more.
and got into a boat and started across the sea to Capernaum. Now it was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them. The sea was getting rough, because a strong wind was blowing. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terror-stricken. But He said to them, "It is I; stop being afraid!" Then they were willing to take Him on board, and at once the boat came to the shore it was making for.

And He at once had the disciples get into the boat and cross to the other side ahead of Him, while He dismissed the crowds. After He had dismissed the crowds, He went up the hill alone to pray. And after the evening came on, He was there alone, but the boat was already a long way from shore, and was being tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. read more.
Just before day He went out to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" And they screamed with fright. Then Jesus at once spoke to them, "Be men of courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Peter answered Him, "Lord, if it is you, let me come to you on the water." And He said, "Come." And Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water, and he went toward Jesus. But when he felt the wind, he was frightened, and as he began to go down, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus at once put out His hand and caught hold of him, and said to him, "O you of little faith! Why did you waver so?" And when they got into the boat, the wind lulled, And the men in the boat worshiped Him, and said, "You are certainly God's Son." And they crossed over to the other side and came to Gennesaret. And the men of that place recognized Him, and sent into all the countryside and brought to Him all who were sick, and they continued to beg Him to let them touch just the tassel on His coat, and all who barely touched it were completely cured.

Then He insisted that the disciples at once get into their boat and cross ahead of Him toward Bethsaida, while He was sending the crowd away. After He had told them "Goodbye," He went up the hill to pray. Now when evening had come, the boat was in the middle of the sea, while He was alone on land. read more.
And because He saw that they were struggling at the oars, for the wind was against them, a while before daybreak He started toward them walking on the sea, and He meant to go right up beside them. But when they saw Him walking on the sea, they thought that it was a ghost and screamed aloud, for they all saw Him and were terrified. But He at once spoke to them and said, "Keep up courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Then He went up to them and got into the boat, and the wind lulled. They were completely dumbfounded, for they did not understand the lesson of the loaves; their minds were dull. They crossed over to the other side and came to Gennesaret and anchored the boat. As soon as they got out of the boat, the people recognized Him and hurried all over the countryside and began to bring the sick to Him on their pallets, wherever they heard He was. And whatever villages or towns or country places He came to, they would lay the sick in the market-places and beg Him to let them touch just the tassel of His coat, and everybody that touched it was cured.

So when Jesus learned that they were going to come and carry Him off by force to crown Him king, He again retired to the hill by Himself. When evening came, His disciples went down to the sea and got into a boat and started across the sea to Capernaum. Now it was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them. read more.
The sea was getting rough, because a strong wind was blowing. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terror-stricken. But He said to them, "It is I; stop being afraid!" Then they were willing to take Him on board, and at once the boat came to the shore it was making for.

And He at once had the disciples get into the boat and cross to the other side ahead of Him, while He dismissed the crowds. After He had dismissed the crowds, He went up the hill alone to pray. And after the evening came on, He was there alone, but the boat was already a long way from shore, and was being tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. read more.
Just before day He went out to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It is a ghost!" And they screamed with fright. Then Jesus at once spoke to them, "Be men of courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Peter answered Him, "Lord, if it is you, let me come to you on the water." And He said, "Come." And Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water, and he went toward Jesus. But when he felt the wind, he was frightened, and as he began to go down, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus at once put out His hand and caught hold of him, and said to him, "O you of little faith! Why did you waver so?" And when they got into the boat, the wind lulled, And the men in the boat worshiped Him, and said, "You are certainly God's Son."

Then He insisted that the disciples at once get into their boat and cross ahead of Him toward Bethsaida, while He was sending the crowd away. After He had told them "Goodbye," He went up the hill to pray. Now when evening had come, the boat was in the middle of the sea, while He was alone on land. read more.
And because He saw that they were struggling at the oars, for the wind was against them, a while before daybreak He started toward them walking on the sea, and He meant to go right up beside them. But when they saw Him walking on the sea, they thought that it was a ghost and screamed aloud, for they all saw Him and were terrified. But He at once spoke to them and said, "Keep up courage! It is I; stop being afraid." Then He went up to them and got into the boat, and the wind lulled. They were completely dumbfounded, for they did not understand the lesson of the loaves; their minds were dull.

When evening came, His disciples went down to the sea and got into a boat and started across the sea to Capernaum. Now it was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them. The sea was getting rough, because a strong wind was blowing. read more.
When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terror-stricken. But He said to them, "It is I; stop being afraid!" Then they were willing to take Him on board, and at once the boat came to the shore it was making for.