Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

And this shall happen: There will be a stench instead of perfume, and a rope instead of a sash, and baldness instead of a well-set hairdo, and a clothing wrap of sackcloth instead of a rich robe, branding instead of beauty.

And a name went out for you among the nations because of your beauty, for it [was] perfect because of my majesty that I bestowed on you,' {declares} the Lord Yahweh.

[When] with rebukes you chastise a man for sin, you {consume} like a moth his delightful [things]. Surely everyone [is] a [mere] vapor. Selah

Like sheep they are destined to Sheol; death will shepherd them. But the upright will rule over them in the morning, and their forms [will be for] Sheol to consume, [far from] his lofty abode.

Ah! The garland of the pride of the drunkards of Ephraim and [the] withering flower of the glory of his beauty, which [is] at [the] head of {the rich valley}, {ones overcome} with wine!

Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you ruined your wisdom because of your splendor. I threw you on the ground {before} kings; I have exposed you {for viewing}.

The heart [is] deceitful more than anything else, and it [is] disastrous. Who can understand it? I, Yahweh, examine [the] {mind}, test [the] {heart}, and give to each one according to his way, according to the fruit of his deeds.

Prepare your work in the street and get it ready for yourself in the field; afterward, then you shall build your house.

A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth [is] far more than precious jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and gain he will not lack. She does him good, but not harm all the days of her life. read more.
She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised. Give to her from the fruit of her hand, and may they praise her works in the city gates.

Whoever watches the wind will not sow; whoever watches the clouds will not reap. Just as you do not know how the path of the wind [goes], nor how the bones [of a fetus] form in a mother's womb, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything. Sow your seed in the morning, and do not let your hands rest in the evening, for you do not know what will prosper-- whether this or that, or whether both of them alike will succeed.

And when they were satisfied, he said to his disciples, "Gather the remaining fragments so that nothing is lost." So they gathered [them], and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten.

She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. read more.
She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised. Give to her from the fruit of her hand, and may they praise her works in the city gates.

A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth [is] far more than precious jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and gain he will not lack. She does him good, but not harm all the days of her life. read more.
She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised. Give to her from the fruit of her hand, and may they praise her works in the city gates.

A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth [is] far more than precious jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and gain he will not lack. She does him good, but not harm all the days of her life. read more.
She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised.

[When] with rebukes you chastise a man for sin, you {consume} like a moth his delightful [things]. Surely everyone [is] a [mere] vapor. Selah

Simeon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained a faith equal in value to ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, because his divine power has bestowed on us all [things] [that are] necessary for life and godliness, through the knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence of character, read more.
through which things he has bestowed on us his precious and very great promises, so that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature [after] escaping from the corruption [that is] in the world because of evil desire, and [for] this same [reason], and [by] applying all diligence, supply with your faith excellence of character, and with excellence of character, knowledge, and with knowledge, self-control, and with self-control, patient endurance, and with patient endurance, godliness, and with godliness, brotherly love, and with brotherly love, love. For [if] these [things] are yours and are increasing, this does not make [you] useless or unproductive in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For [the one] for whom these [things] [are] not present is blind, being nearsighted, {having forgotten the cleansing} of his former sins. Therefore, brothers, be zealous even more to make your calling and election secure, because [if you] do these [things], you will never ever stumble. For in this way entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly supplied for you.

A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth [is] far more than precious jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and gain he will not lack. She does him good, but not harm all the days of her life. read more.
She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised. Give to her from the fruit of her hand, and may they praise her works in the city gates.

And so then my daughter, do not be afraid. All that you ask I will do for you, for the entire assembly of my people knows that you [are] a worthy woman.

A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth [is] far more than precious jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and gain he will not lack. She does him good, but not harm all the days of her life. read more.
She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised. Give to her from the fruit of her hand, and may they praise her works in the city gates.

A woman of excellence, who will find? For her worth [is] far more than precious jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and gain he will not lack. She does him good, but not harm all the days of her life. read more.
She seeks wool and flax, and she works with the diligence of {her hands}. She is like the ships of a merchant; from far off she brings her food; And she arises while [it is] still night, and gives food to her household, and tasks to her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of {her hand} she plants a vineyard. She girds her waist in strength, and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise [is] good; her lamp does not go out in the night. Her hands she puts onto the distaff, and her palms hold a spindle. Her palm she opens to the poor, and her hand she reaches [out] to the needy. She does not fear for her house [when] it snows, for {her entire household} is clothed [in] crimson. She makes for herself coverings; her clothing [is] fine linen and purple. Her husband is known at the gates, in his seat among the elders of the land. Linen garments she makes and sells, and she supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs {at the future}. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and instruction of kindness [is] upon her tongue. She looks after the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she will not eat. Her children rise and consider her happy, her husband [also], and he praises her; "Many daughters have done excellence, but {you surpass} all of them." Charm [is] deceit and beauty [is] vain; [but] a woman who fears Yahweh shall be praised.

And so then my daughter, do not be afraid. All that you ask I will do for you, for the entire assembly of my people knows that you [are] a worthy woman.