Thematic Bible: The prayer of jesus, "let this cup pass away,"

Thematic Bible

Again, a second time, departing he prayed, saying: My Father! If it is impossible for this to pass, except I, drink, it, Accomplished, be, thy will.

And, leaving them, he, again, departed, and prayed a third time, the same word, saying again.

Then, cometh he unto the disciples, and saith unto them, - Ye are sleeping what time remaineth, and taking your rest: Lo! the hour hath drawn near, and, the Son of Man, is being delivered up into the hands of sinners. Arise! let us be going, - Lo! he that delivereth me up, hath drawn near. And, while, yet, he was speaking, lo! Judas, one of the twelve, came, and, with him, a large multitude, with swords and clubs, from the High-priests and Elders of the people. read more.
And, he who was delivering him up, gave them a sign, saying - Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is, - secure him. And, straightway, coming unto Jesus, he said - Joy to thee! Rabbi, and eagerly kissed him. But, Jesus, said unto him - Friend! wherefore art thou here? Then, coming forward, they thrust their hands upon Jesus, and secured him. And lo! one of those with Jesus, stretching forth his hand, grasped his sword, and smiting the servant of the High-priest, cut off his ear. Then, Jesus saith unto him - Put back thy sword into its place, for, all they who take a sword, by a sword, shall perish. Or thinkest thou that I cannot call upon my Father, and he will set near me, even now, more than twelve legions of messengers? How then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that, thus, it must needs come to pass? In that hour, said Jesus unto the multitudes: As against a robber, came ye forth, with swords and clubs, to arrest me? Daily in the temple, used I to sit teaching, and ye secured me not; But, this, hath, wholly, come to pass, that, the Scriptures of the prophets, may be fulfilled. Then, the disciples, all forsaking him, fled. And, they who secured Jesus, led him away unto Caiaphas the High-priest, where the Scribes and the Elders gathered themselves together. Now, Peter, was following him afar off, unto the court of the High-priest, - and, entering within, was sitting with the attendants, to see the end. Now, the High-priests and all the High-council, were seeking false-witness against Jesus, that they might, put him to death; and found not any, though many came forward as false-witnesses. At length, however, there came forward, two, and said: This, man said - I am able to pull down the shrine of God, and, in three days, to, build, it. And the High-priest, arising, said unto him - Nothing, answerest thou? What are these, against thee bearing witness? But, Jesus, was silent. And, the High-priest, said unto him: I put thee on oath, by the Living God, that, to us, thou say - Whether, thou, art the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him: Thou, hast said; Moreover, I say unto you - Hereafter, ye will see the Son of Man, sitting on the right hand of power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven. Then, the High-priest rent asunder his garments, saying - He hath spoken profanely! What further need have we, of witnesses? Lo! now, ye have heard the profanity! How, to you, doth it seem? And, they, answering, said: Guilty of death, he is. Then, spat they into his face, and buffeted him; and, others, struck him smartly, saying - Prophesy unto us, O Christ! Who is he that struck thee? Now, Peter, was sitting without, in the court; and there came unto him a certain female servant, saying - Thou also, wast with Jesus, the Galilaean. But, he, denied before all, saying - I know not what thou sayest. And, when he went out into the porch, another female saw him, and said unto them who were there - This, one was with Jesus the Nazarene. And, again, he denied, with an oath - I know not the man. And, after a little, the by-standers, coming forward, said unto Peter: Truly, thou also, art, from among them, for, thy very speech, maketh thee, manifest. Then, began he to be cursing and swearing - I know not the man! And, straightway, a cock crowed. And Peter was put in mind of the declaration of Jesus, of his having said - Before a cock crow, thrice, wilt thou utterly deny me; and, going forth outside, he wept bitterly.