Thematic Bible: Trading

Thematic Bible

And it came to pass, when he returned, having received the kingdom, that he bade be called unto him these servants, to whom he had given the silver, that he might take note, what business they had done.

besides the tribute of the subjugated, and of the travelling merchants, - and of all the kings of Arabia, and the pashas of the land.

The crown of its young twigs, plucked he off, and brought it into a land of traffic, :in a city of merchants, he t it.

And with us, stroll ye dwell, - and, the land, shall be before you, tarry, and go through it, and get possessions therein.

And bring ye in your youngest brother unto me, So must I get to know that ye are, not spies, but are honest men: Your brother, will I give up to you, and with the land, shall ye traffic.

Tarshish was a trader of thine. For the abundance of all wealth, - With silver iron. tin and lead, Took they part in thy traffic:

For, the ships of the king, used to go to Tarshish, with the servants of Huram, - once in three years, came in the ships of Tarshish, bearing gold and silver, ivory and apes, and peacocks.

Jehoshaphat, made ships of Tarshish, to go to Ophir, for gold; but they went not, - for ships had been broken to pieces in Ezion-geber.

And Huram sent him - by the hand of his servants - ships, and servants skilled in the sea, and they came, with the servants of Solomon, towards Ophir, and took from thence, four hundred and fifty talents of gold, - and brought unto King Solomon.