4 Bible Verses about Altering The Body

Most Relevant Verses

1 Timothy 2:9-10

and I would have the women dress becomingly, with modesty and self-control, not with plaited hair or gold or pearls or costly clothes, but--as befits women making a claim to godliness--with the ornament of good works.

1 Peter 3:2-4

so full of reverence, and so blameless! Your adornment ought not to be a merely outward thing--one of plaiting the hair, putting on jewelry, or wearing beautiful dresses. Instead of that, it should be a new nature within--the imperishable ornament of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is indeed precious in the sight of God.

Matthew 23:28

The same is true of you: outwardly you seem to the human eye to be good and honest men, but, within, you are full of insincerity and disregard of God's Law.

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