7 Bible Verses about Role Of Women In The Church

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 11:3-12

But I am anxious that you should understand that the Christ is the Head of every man, that man is the Head of woman, and that God is the Head of the Christ. Any man who keeps his head covered, when praying or preaching in public, dishonors him who is his Head; While any woman, who prays or preaches in public bare-headed, dishonors him who is her Head; for that is to make herself like one of the shameless women who shave their heads.read more.
Indeed, if a woman does not keep her head covered, she may as well cut her hair short. But, since to cut her hair short, or shave it off, marks her as one of the shameless women, let her keep her head covered. A man ought not to have his head covered, for he has been from the beginning 'the likeness of God' and the reflection of his glory, but woman is the reflection of man's glory. For it was not man who was taken from woman, but woman who was taken from man. Besides, man was not created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man. And, therefore, a woman ought to wear on her head a symbol of her subjection, because of the presence of the angels. Still, when in union with the Lord, woman is not independent of man, or man of woman; For just as woman came from man, so man comes by means of woman; and all things come from God.

Ephesians 5:22-23

Wives should submit to their husbands as submitting to the Lord. For a man is the Head of his wife, as the Christ is the Head of the Church--being indeed himself the Savior of his Body.

1 Timothy 2:9-15

I also desire that women should adorn themselves with appropriate dress, worn quietly and modestly, and not with wreaths or gold ornaments for the hair, or pearls, or costly clothing, but--as is proper for women who profess to be religious--with good actions. A woman should listen silently to her teachers, and show them all deference.read more.
I do not consent to a woman's becoming a teacher, or exercising authority over a man; she ought to be silent. Adam was formed first, not Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived; it was the woman who was entirely deceived and fell into sin. But women will find their salvation in motherhood, if they never abandon faith, love, or holiness, and behave with modesty.

1 Timothy 3:11

It should be the same with the women. They should be serious, not gossips, sober, and trustworthy in all respects.

1 Timothy 5:9-14

A widow, when her name is added to the list, should not be less than sixty years old; she should have been a faithful wife, and be well spoken of for her kind actions. She should have brought up children, have shown hospitality to strangers, have washed the feet of her fellow Christians, have relieved those who were in distress, and devoted herself to every kind of good action. But you should exclude the younger widows from the list; for, when they grow restive under the yoke of the Christ, they want to marry,read more.
and so they bring condemnation upon themselves for having broken their previous promise. And not only that, but they learn to be idle as they go about from house to house. Nor are they merely idle, but they also become gossips and busy-bodies, and talk of what they ought not. Therefore I advise young widows to marry, bear children, and attend to their homes, and so avoid giving the enemy an opportunity for scandal.

Titus 2:3-5

So, too, that the older women should be reverent in their demeanor, and that they should avoid scandal, and beware of becoming slaves to drink; that they should teach what is right, so as to train the younger women to love their husbands and children, and to be discreet, pure-minded, domesticated, good women, ready to submit to their husbands, in order that God's Message may not be maligned.

1 Peter 3:1-6

Again, you married women should submit to your husbands, so that if any of them reject the Message, they may, apart from the Message, be won over, by the conduct of their wives, as they watch your submissive and blameless conduct. Yours should be, not the external adornment of the arrangement of the hair, the wearing of jewelry, or the putting on of dresses,read more.
but the inner life with the imperishable beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit; for this is very precious in God's sight. It was by this that the holy women of old, who rested their hopes on God, adorned themselves; submitting to their husbands, as Sarah did, who obeyed Abraham, and called him master. And you are her true children, as long as you live good lives, and let nothing terrify you.

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