28 Bible Verses about gays

Most Relevant Verses

1 Timothy 1:10

immoral persons, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine

Romans 1:27

and in the same way the males have abandoned the natural use of women and flamed out in lust for one another, men perpetrating shameless acts with their own sex and getting in their own persons the due recompense of their perversity.

James 2:3

if you attend to the wearer of the handsome clothes and say to him, "Sit here, this is a good place," and tell the poor man, "You can stand," or "Sit there at my feet,"

James 2:2

Suppose there comes into your meeting a man who wears gold rings and handsome clothes, and also a poor man in dirty clothes;

Matthew 11:23

And you, O Capharnahum! Exalted to heaven? No, you will sink to Hades! ??for if the miracles performed in you had been performed in Sodom, Sodom would have lasted to this day.

Mark 5:29

And at once the hemorrhage stopped, and she felt in her body that she was cured of her complaint.

Revelation 19:1

After that I heard what was like the shout of a great host in heaven, crying, "Hallelujah! salvation and glory and power are our God's!

Mark 5:25

And there was a woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years ??26 she had suffered a great deal under a number of doctors and had spent all her means but was none the better; in fact she was rather worse.

Mark 5:24

So Jesus went away with him. Now a large crowd followed him; they pressed round him.

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