Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

General references

Bible References


1 Peter 1:12
It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you in regard to the things that have now been announced to you by those who brought you the good news through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. These are things that even the angels desire to look into.
1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.
John 1:1
In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
1 Corinthians 1:21
For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom did not know God, God was pleased to save those who believe through the nonsense of our preaching.
1 Corinthians 2:2
For while I was with you I resolved to know nothing except Jesus the Messiah, and him crucified.
1 Corinthians 15:1
Now I'm making known to you, brothers, the gospel that I proclaimed to you, which you accepted, on which you have taken your stand,
Ephesians 2:17
He came and proclaimed peace for you who were far away and for you who were near.
Ephesians 3:8
To me, the very least of all the saints, this grace was given so that I might proclaim to the gentiles the immeasurable wealth of the Messiah
Titus 1:3
At the right time he revealed his message through the proclamation that was entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.
2 Peter 1:19
Therefore we regard the message of the prophets as confirmed beyond doubt, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp that is shining in a gloomy place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
1 John 1:1
What existed from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we observed and touched with our own hands this is the Word of life!

General references

Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words won't ever disappear."

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