Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David:

To him

Bible References

To him

Proverbs 16:4
Jehovah made all things for himself even the wicked one for the evil day.

As he spake

1 Samuel 13:13
You did a foolish thing, Samuel told Saul. You did not follow the command of Jehovah your God. If you had, Jehovah would have established your kingdom over Israel from generation to generation (for a very long time).
1 Samuel 15:27
Samuel turned to leave, but Saul caught hold of his cloak, and it tore.

Thy neighbour

1 Samuel 15:28
Samuel said to him: Jehovah has torn the kingdom of Israel away from you today. He gave it to someone who is a better man than you.
1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his brothers. Immediately the Spirit of Jehovah took control of David and was with him from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.
1 Samuel 24:20
I know now you will be the next king. You will be a powerful king too.