1 Timothy 2:4
whose will is that every one should be saved, and attain to a full knowledge of the Truth.
2 Timothy 2:25
He should instruct his opponents in a gentle spirit; for, possibly, God may give them a repentance that will lead to a fuller knowledge of Truth,
Titus 2:11
For the loving-kindness of God has been revealed, bringing Salvation for all;
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise, as some count slowness; but he is forbearing with you, as it is not his will that any of you should perish, but that all should be brought to repentance.
2 Timothy 3:7
are always learning, and yet never able to attain to a real knowledge of the Truth.
Hebrews 10:26
Remember, if we sin willfully after we have gained a full knowledge of the Truth, there can be no further sacrifice for sin;
Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the Faith of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
Mark 16:15
Then he said to them: "Go into all the world, and proclaim the Good News to all creation.
Luke 1:77
To give his people the knowledge of salvation In the forgiveness of their sins,
Luke 14:23
'Go out,' the master said, 'into the roads and hedgerows, and make people come in, so that my house may be filled;
Luke 24:47
And that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed on his authority to all the nations--beginning at Jerusalem.
John 3:15-17
That every one who believes in him may have Immortal Life."
John 6:37
All those whom the Father gives me will come to me; and no one who comes to me will I ever turn away.
John 14:6
Jesus answered: "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no one ever comes to the Father except through me.
John 17:17
Consecrate them by the Truth; thy Message is Truth.
Romans 3:29-30
Or can it be that God is the God only of the Jews? Is not he also the God of the Gentiles?
Romans 10:12-15
For no distinction is made between the Jew and the Greek, for all have the same Lord, and he is bountiful to all who invoke him.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
Therefore, if any one is in union with Christ, he is a new being! His old life has passed away; a new life has begun!
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
The men who killed both the Lord Jesus and the Prophets, and persecuted us also. They do not try to please God, and they are enemies to all mankind,
1 Timothy 4:10
With that aim we toil and struggle, for we have set our hopes on the Living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who hold the Faith.
Titus 1:1
From Paul, a servant of God, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, charged to strengthen the faith of God's Chosen People, and their knowledge of that Truth which makes for godliness, .
Revelation 14:6
Then I saw another angel, flying in mid-heaven. He had the Good News, decreed from eternity, to announce to those who dwell on the earth--to men of every nation, and tribe, and language, and people;