Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;

General references

Bible References

The deacons

Acts 6:3
But look out for yourselves, brethren, seven men from among you, who can be well-attested, full of Spirit and wisdom, - whom we will appoint over this need;
Philippians 1:1
Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, - unto all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with overseers and ministers: -


1 Timothy 3:4
Over his own house, presiding, well, having, children, in submission, with all dignity;


Psalm 5:9
For in his mouth is nothing worthy of trust, Their inward purpose, is engulphing ruin, - An opened sepulchre, is their throat, With their tongue, speak they smooth things.
Psalm 12:2
Deception, speak they, every one with his neighbour, - with lips uttering smooth things - with a heart and a heart, do they speak.
Psalm 50:19
Thy mouth, hast thou thrust into wickedness, And, thy tongue, kept weaving deceit;
Psalm 52:2
Engulfing ruin, doth thy tongue devise, Like a whetted razor, working deceit;
Romans 3:13
A sepulchre opened, is their throat, with their tongues, have they used deceit, the poison of asps, is under their lips,
James 3:10
Out of the same mouth, come forth blessing and cursing! Not meet, my brethren, for, these things, thus, to be coming to pass!

Not given

1 Timothy 3:3
Not given to wine, not ready to wound, but considerate, averse to contention, not fond of money,
Leviticus 10:9
Wine and strong drink, thou mayest not drink, - thou nor thy sons with thee when ye enter into the tent of meeting, so shall ye not die, - an age-abiding statute to your generations;
Ezekiel 44:21
And wine, shall no priest drink, - when they enter into the inner court.

General references

Ezekiel 44:21
And wine, shall no priest drink, - when they enter into the inner court.