2 Kings 21:9
But they would not listen. Manasseh enticed them to do evil. In fact they committed more evil than the nations whom Jehovah destroyed before the children of Israel.
Proverbs 29:12
If a ruler listens to lies, all his servants are wicked.
1 Kings 14:16
Jehovah will abandon Israel because Jeroboam sinned and led the people of Israel into sin.
2 Chronicles 33:9
Manasseh misled Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that they did more evil things than the nations that Jehovah destroyed when the Israelites arrived in the land.
2 Chronicles 36:16
They mocked God's messengers. They despised his words, and made fun of his prophets until Jehovah became angry with his people. He could no longer heal them.
Ezra 9:10-11
And now, O our God, what are we to say after this? For we have not obeyed your laws,
Nehemiah 9:26
But they were hard-hearted, and went against your authority. They turned their backs on your law, and murdered your prophets. These prophets gave witness against them with the purpose of turning them back again to you. They did much to make you angry.
Nehemiah 9:29-30
You admonished them so that you might make them come back again to your law. Their hearts were lifted up, and they paid no attention to your orders. They went against your life giving decisions and turned their backs on you. They were stubborn and did not listen.
Psalm 12:8
The wicked walk about when immorality increases among the sons of men.
Psalm 81:10
I, Jehovah, am your God! I brought you up from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.
Ezekiel 16:47
Yet you have not merely walked in their ways or done according to their abominations; but, as if that were too little, you acted more corruptly in all your conduct than they.
Ezekiel 16:51-52
Samaria did not commit half the sins you did. You have done many more disgusting things than they ever did. Because of all the disgusting things that you have done, you make your sisters look innocent.
Daniel 9:6
We have not listened to your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.
Daniel 9:10-11
We have not obeyed the voice of Jehovah our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
Hosea 5:11
Ephraim is oppressed. He is crushed in judgment because he was content to walk after man's command.
Luke 13:34
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets! You stone those sent to you. How often I would have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her own brood under her wings. But you would not have it!
John 15:22
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin. Now they have no excuse for their sin!
James 4:17
He that knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.
Revelation 2:20
But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads my servants astray so that they commit immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.