Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

Bible References


2 Peter 1:5
Yes, for this very reason you do your part with all diligence. Supply virtue to your faith. Add knowledge to your virtue.
2 Peter 3:17
You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, avoid being carried away with the error of the wicked and falling from your own steadfastness.

To make

2 Timothy 2:19
The foundation of God stands firm having this seal: Jehovah knows those who belong to him, and: Everyone who names the name of Jehovah is to abstain from wickedness.
Hebrews 6:11
We desire that every one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope down to the end.
1 John 3:19
By this we shall know we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before him.


Romans 8:28
We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
We continually remember your work of faith, labor of love, and patience, and your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father.
2 Thessalonians 2:13
We always have to thank God for you, brothers. Jehovah loves you and we thank God that in the beginning he chose you to be saved through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.
1 Peter 1:2
You who are chosen and foreknown by God the Father. You have been sanctified by the Spirit to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with his blood. Grace and peace be greatly increased to you.

General references

Deuteronomy 6:17
Obey the commandments of Jehovah your God. Obey his testimonies and statutes for he commanded you.
Ecclesiastes 10:18
By indolence the building decays; and through idleness of the hands the house collapses.