2 Thessalonians 2:11

That is why God places them under the influence of a delusion, to cause them to believe a lie;

Romans 1:28

Then, as they would not keep God before their minds, God abandoned them to depraved thoughts, so that they did all kinds of shameful things.

Matthew 24:5

for, many will take my name, and come saying 'I am the Christ,' and will lead many astray.

Matthew 24:11

Many false Prophets, also, will appear and lead many astray;

John 12:39-43

The reason why they were unable to believe is given by Isaiah elsewhere, in these words--

Romans 1:21-25

Because, although they learned to know God, yet they did not offer him as God either praise or thanksgiving. Their speculations about him proved futile, and their undiscerning minds were darkened.

1 Thessalonians 2:3

Our appeal to you was not based on a delusion, nor was it made from unworthy motives, or with any intention of misleading you.

1 Timothy 4:1

But the Spirit distinctly says that in later times there will be some who will fall away from the Faith, and devote their attention to misleading spirits, and to the teaching of demons,

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