Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

General references

Bible References


Matthew 22:29
Jesus answered and said to them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
1 Timothy 1:19
Holding faith and a good conscience; which some having put away, concerning faith have made shipwreck:
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some have coveted, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Hebrews 3:10
Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.
James 5:19
Brethren, if any one of you should err from the truth, and one should convert him;


2 Timothy 2:14
Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they contend not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
Matthew 15:13
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be extirpated.
Luke 8:13
They on the rock are they, who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.
Luke 22:31
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
Acts 5:39
But if it is from God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
1 Corinthians 11:19
For there must be also heresies among you, that they who are approved may be made manifest among you.
1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

General references

Deuteronomy 20:18
That they may not teach you to do after all their abominations which they have done to their gods; so would ye sin against the LORD your God.
1 Timothy 5:15
For some are already turned aside after Satan.