Acts 18:5
But, when Silas and Timothy had come down from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself entirely to delivering the Message, earnestly maintaining before the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.
Acts 17:3
He laid before them and explained that the Christ must undergo suffering and rise from the dead; and "It is this man," he declared, "who is the Christ--this Jesus about whom I am telling you."
Acts 18:28
For he vigorously confuted the Jews, publicly proving by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.
Acts 20:21
I earnestly pointed both Jews and Greeks to the repentance that leads to God, and to faith in Jesus, our Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:14
It is the love of the Christ which compels us, when we reflect that, as one died for all, therefore all died;
Acts 2:36
So let the whole nation of Israel know beyond all doubt, that God has made him both Lord and Christ--this very Jesus whom you crucified."
Acts 9:22
Saul's influence, however, kept steadily increasing, and he confounded the Jews who lived in Damascus by the proofs that he gave that Jesus was the Christ.
Acts 17:14-16
Immediately upon that, the Brethren sent Paul off on his way to the sea coast, but both Silas and Timothy stayed behind in Beroea.
Philippians 1:23
My own desire is to depart and be with Christ, for this would be far better.
Luke 12:50
There is a baptism that I must undergo, and how great is my distress until it is over!
John 1:41
He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him: "We have found the Messiah!" (a word which means 'Christ,' or 'Consecrated'.)
John 3:28
You are yourselves witnesses that I said 'I am not the Christ,' but 'I have been sent before him as a Messenger.'
John 10:24
When the Jews gathered round him, and said: "How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us so frankly."
John 15:27
Yes, and you also are to bear testimony, because you have been with me from the first.
Acts 4:20
Judge for yourselves, for we cannot help speaking of what we have seen and heard."
Acts 10:42
Further, God charged us to proclaim to the people, and solemnly affirm, that it is Jesus who has been appointed by God Judge of the living and the dead.
Acts 15:22
It was then decided by the Apostles and the Officers, with the assent of the whole Church, to choose some of their number, and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. Those chosen were Judas (called Barsabas) and Silas, who were leading men among the Brethren.
Acts 16:1
Among other places Paul went to Derbe and Lystra. At the latter place they found a disciple, named Timothy, whose mother was a Jewess who had become a believer in Christ, while his father was a Greek,
Acts 16:9
And there one night Paul saw a vision. A Macedonian was standing and appealing to him--'Come over to Macedonia and help us.'
1 Thessalonians 3:2
And sent Timothy, our Brother and God's minister of the Good News of the Christ, to strengthen you, and to encourage you in your faith,
1 Peter 5:12
I have been writing to you briefly by the hand of Silas, our true-hearted Brother (for so I regard him), to urge upon you, and to bear my testimony, that in what I have written is to be found the true love of God. On that take your stand.