Acts 2:41
Then indeed having received his word they were baptized, and on that day about three thousand souls were added unto them;
Acts 2:37
And hearing, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the other apostles, Men, brethren, what must we do?
Acts 2:47
praising God, and having favor unto all the people. And the Lord was daily adding to them those who were being saved.
Matthew 13:44-46
The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a treasure having been hidden in a field; which a man having found, concealed; and from his joy he goes and sells all things so many as he has, and buys that field.
Luke 5:5-7
And Simon responding said to Him, Master, having toiled all night, we caught nothing: but at thy word I will spread the net.
John 14:12
Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, shall also do the works which I am doing; and shall do greater works than these: because I go to the Father:
Acts 1:15
And during those days, Peter standing up in the midst of the brethren, said (and the number of names were about one hundred and twenty),
Acts 4:4
And many of those hearing the word believed, and the number of men was about five thousand.
Acts 8:6-8
And the multitudes were unanimously giving heed to the things spoken by Philip, while they were hearing and seeing the miracles which he was performing.
Acts 13:48
And the Gentiles hearing, rejoiced, and glorified the word of the Lord: and so many as had been ordained unto eternal life believed:
Acts 16:31-34
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou and thy household shall be saved.
1 Thessalonians 1:6
And you became imitators of us, and the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation, with the joy of the Holy Ghost;