Acts 23:5
Then Paul said, I did not know, brethren, that he was the prince of the priests, for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.
Exodus 22:28
Thou shalt not revile the judges nor curse the prince of thy people.
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Do not curse the king, not even in thy thought; and do not curse the rich even in the secret place of thy bedchamber; for the birds of the air shall carry the voice, and those who have wings shall tell the matter.
Acts 24:17
Now after many years I came to bring alms to my nation and offerings.
2 Peter 2:10
and chiefly those that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise dominion; presumptuous, arrogant, they are not afraid to speak evil of the higher powers;
Jude 1:8-9
In the same manner these deceived dreamers, defile their flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of higher powers.