Acts 5:30
The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you killed. You hanged him on a stake.
Acts 10:39
We are witnesses of all things that he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a stake.
Galatians 3:13
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. It is written; Cursed is everyone who is hung on a stake.
1 Peter 2:24
He bore our sins in his body upon the stake, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness. You were healed because of his wounds (stripes).
1 Chronicles 12:17
David went out to meet them and said: If you have come in peace to help me, we are friends. But if you have come to betray me to my enemies when I am innocent, then may the God of our ancestors see and judge you.
1 Chronicles 29:18
Jehovah, God of our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, keep such devotion always strong in your people's hearts and keep them always faithful to you.
Ezra 7:27
Praise be to Jehovah, the God of our fathers, who has put such a thing into the heart of the king, to make fair the house of Jehovah that is in Jerusalem.
Luke 1:55
He spoke to our fathers. To Abraham and his seed forever.
Luke 1:72
He shows mercy towards our fathers and remembers his holy covenant.
Acts 2:22-24
You men of Israel hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God came among you with miracles and wonders and signs. God did these by him in your midst, as you also know:
Acts 2:32
God resurrected Jesus and we all witnessed this!
Acts 3:13-15
The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son Jesus. You handed him over to Pilate. When he was determined to let him go you denied him.
Acts 3:26
God raised up his servant and sent him to you first. He sent him to bless you and to turn every one of you from your wicked ways.
Acts 4:10-11
Let it be known to you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you impaled and whom God raised from the dead, even by him this man stands before you healed.
Acts 13:28-29
They found no grounds for the death sentence for him. Yet they asked Pilate to put him to death.
Acts 13:33
God has fulfilled this promise to their children by resurrecting Jesus. Just as it is written in the second psalm: You are my Son, today I have become your father. (Psalms 2:7)
Acts 22:14
He said: 'The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will. You are to see his righteous servant, and to hear him speak with his own voice.