Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
(For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
He was
Bible References
He was
Acts 10:44
While Peter was yet speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were hearing the word.
Acts 11:15
And, as I began to be speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as upon us also at the beginning.
Acts 19:2
and he said unto them - Holy Spirit, received ye, when ye believed? And they said unto him - Nay! not even whether there is Holy Spirit, did we hear.
Acts 2:38
And Peter said unto them - Repent ye, and let each one of you be immersed, in the name of Jesus Christ, into the remission of your sins, - and ye shall receive the free-gift of the Holy Spirit;
Acts 10:47
Surely then, the water, can no man forbid, that these should not be immersed, - seeing that, the Holy Spirit, they have received, as well as we.
Acts 19:5
And, when they heard this , they were immersed into the name of the Lord Jesus;
Matthew 28:19
Go ye, therefore, and disciple all the nations, Immersing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, -
1 Corinthians 1:13
The Christ is divided! Was, Paul, crucified for you? Or, into the name of Paul, were ye immersed?