2 Så siger HERREN: Se, Vande stiger fra Nord, de bliver en Strøm, der svømmer over, de oversvømmer Landet og dets Fylde, Byerne og dem, som bor der.
2 Thus says the Lord:“Behold, waters are going to rise from the northAnd become an overflowing torrent,And overflow the land and all its fullness,The city and those who live in it;And the men will cry out,And every inhabitant of the land will wail.
3 For Lyden af hans Hingstes Hovslag, hans Vognes Drøn, hans raslende Hjul får Fædre ej set efter Bøm, thi Hænderne er slappe,
3 “Because of the noise of the galloping hoofs of his stallions,The tumult of his chariots, and the rumbling of his wheels,The fathers have not turned back for their children,Because of the limpness of their hands,
4 nu Dagen er kommet at ødelægge alle Filistre, at udrydde hver Hjælper, som levnes Tyrus og Zidon; thi HERREN ødelægger Filisterne, Resten af Kaftors Ø.
4 On account of the day that is comingTo destroy all the Philistines,To cut off from Tyre and SidonEvery ally that is left;For the Lord is going to destroy the Philistines,The remnant of the coastland of Caphtor.