Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

General references

Bible References

The prophet

Deuteronomy 13:1
If a prophet or an interpreter of dreams appears among you and gives you a sign or a wonder (portent) (omen) (forecast of the future),
Jeremiah 14:14
Jehovah then told me: These are the lies that the prophets are telling in my name: They claim that I sent them. They claim that I commanded them. They claim that I spoke to them. They even dreamed up visions to tell you. Their predictions are worthless! They are the products of their own imagination.
Jeremiah 23:13
Say this about the prophets of Samaria: 'I saw something disgusting. The prophets of Samaria prophesied by Baal and led my people Israel astray.'
Jeremiah 27:15
I did not send them, declares Jehovah. They prophesy lies in my name. So I will scatter you, and you and the prophets will die.'
Ezekiel 13:6
They see falsehood and lying divination. They are saying: 'Jehovah declares,' when Jehovah has not sent them. Yet they hope for the fulfillment of their word.
Matthew 7:15
Watch out for the false prophets. They are disguised as sheep. But in their hearts they are vicious wolves.
2 Peter 2:12
But these are creatures without reason. They were born mere animals to be taken and destroyed! They speak abusively in matters of which they are ignorant. They suffer destruction in their own course of destruction.

In the name

Deuteronomy 13:1
If a prophet or an interpreter of dreams appears among you and gives you a sign or a wonder (portent) (omen) (forecast of the future),
1 Kings 18:19
Now gather all Israel together before me at Mount Carmel. Also gather the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal who get their food at Jezebel's table.
Jeremiah 2:8
The priests did not ask: 'Where is Jehovah? Those who deal with my Law did not know me. The rulers rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied in the name of Baal and followed things that could not help (profit) them.'
Jeremiah 28:15
Then Jeremiah the prophet told the prophet Hananiah: Listen, Hananiah! Jehovah did not send you. You are making these people believe a lie.
Zechariah 13:3
It will happen when any attempt to prophesy, the father and mother who gave birth to him will say to him: You will not live, for you speak lies in the name of Jehovah. They will stab him through when he prophesies.
Revelation 19:20
The beast was captured, and with him the false prophet that performed signs before him, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast, and those who worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.

General references

1 Kings 13:19
So he went back with him, and had a meal in his house and a drink of water.
Jeremiah 23:30
I am against those prophets who take each other's words and proclaim them as my message.