Ephesians 3:1
On account of this I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles
Ephesians 4:1
Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, exhort you to live in a manner worthy of the calling with which you were called:
Colossians 1:24
Now I rejoice in my sufferings on behalf of you, and I fill up in my flesh what is lacking of the afflictions of Christ, on behalf of his body which is the church,
Acts 23:18
So he took him [and] brought [him] to the military tribune and said, "The prisoner Paul called me [and] asked [me] to bring this young man to you [because he] has something to tell you."
Ephesians 6:20
for the sake of which I am an ambassador in chains, that {in them} I may speak freely, as it is necessary for me to speak.
Philippians 1:7
just as it is right for me to think this about all of you, because I have you in my heart, [since] both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel all of you are sharers of grace with me.
2 Timothy 1:8
Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor me his prisoner, but suffer along with [me] for the gospel, according to the power of God,
Luke 21:12
"But before all these [things], they will lay their hands on you and will persecute [you], handing [you] over to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and governors because of my name.
Acts 21:33
Then the military tribune came up [and] arrested him and ordered [him] to be bound with two chains, and inquired who he was and what it was that he had done.
Acts 26:29
And Paul [replied], "I pray to God, whether in a short time or in a long time, not only you but also all those who are listening to me today may become such [people] as I also am, except for these bonds!"
Acts 28:17-20
Now it happened that after three days, he called together those who were the most prominent of the Jews. And [when] they had assembled, he said to them, "Men [and] brothers, [although] I had done nothing against [our] people or the customs of our fathers, from Jerusalem I was delivered [as] a prisoner into the hands of the Romans,
2 Corinthians 10:1
Now I, Paul, appeal to you myself by the humility and gentleness of Christ, who {when I am present in person} [am] humble among you, but [when I] am absent am bold toward you--
2 Corinthians 11:23
Are they servants of Christ?--I am speaking as though I were beside myself--I [am] more so, with far greater labors, with far more imprisonments, with beatings to a much greater degree, in [danger of] death many times.
Galatians 5:2
Look! I, Paul, tell you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing!
Galatians 5:11
Now, brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished.
Ephesians 3:13
Therefore I ask [you] not to be discouraged at my afflictions on behalf of you, which are your glory.
Philippians 1:13-16
so that my imprisonment in Christ has become known in the whole praetorium and to all the rest,
Colossians 4:3
praying at the same time for us also, that God may open for us a door of the message, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which also {I am a prisoner},
Colossians 4:18
The greeting [is] by my hand, Paul's. Remember my {imprisonment}. Grace [be] with you.
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and who persecuted us, and [who are] not pleasing to God and [are] opposed to all people,
2 Timothy 1:16
May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he refreshed me many times, and was not ashamed of my imprisonment,
2 Timothy 2:9-10
in connection with which I suffer misfortune to the point of {imprisonment} as a criminal, but the word of God is not bound.
Revelation 2:10
Do not be afraid of [the things] which you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw [some] of you into prison so that you may be tested, and you will experience affliction ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.