Exodus 34:5
And Yahweh descended in the cloud, and he stood with him there, and he proclaimed the name of Yahweh.
Exodus 33:19
And he said, "I myself will cause all my goodness to pass over before you, and I will proclaim the name of Yahweh before you, and I will be gracious [to] whom I will be gracious, and I will show compassion [to] whom I will show compassion."
Exodus 33:9
{And} at the entering of Moses [into] the tent the column of cloud would descend and stand [at] the opening of the tent, and he would speak with Moses.
Numbers 11:25
Then Yahweh went down in the cloud and spoke to him, and he took away the spirit that [was] on him, and he {put it} on the seventy elders. And as soon as the spirit was resting on them they prophesied, but they did not do it again.
Luke 9:34-35
And [while] he was saying these [things], a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered into the cloud.
Exodus 19:18
And Mount Sinai was all wrapped in smoke because Yahweh went down on it in the fire, and its smoke went up like the smoke of a smelting furnace, and the whole mountain trembled greatly.
Numbers 11:17
I will come down and speak with you there; I will take away from the spirit that [is] on you, and I will place [it] on them; and they will bear the burdens of the people with you; you will not bear it alone.
Numbers 14:17
But now, please, let the power of my Lord be great, just has you spoke,
Deuteronomy 32:3
For I will proclaim the name of Yahweh; ascribe greatness to our God!
1 Kings 8:10-12
When the priests went out from the holy place, the cloud filled the house of Yahweh.
Psalm 102:21
so that [they may] make known in Zion the name of Yahweh, and his praise in Jerusalem,
Proverbs 18:10
A tower of strength is the name of Yahweh; into him the righteous will run and be safe.
Isaiah 1:10
Hear the word of Yahweh, rulers of Sodom! Listen [to] the teaching of our God, people of Gomorrah!