Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Ezekiel 18:30
That is why I will judge each of you by what you have done, people of Israel, declares the Lord Jehovah. Change the way you think and act. (Repent!) Turn away from all the rebellious things that you have done so that you will not fall into sin.
1 Samuel 7:3
Samuel told the entire nation of Israel: If you return to Jehovah with all your hearts you must get rid of the foreign gods you have, including the statues of the goddess Astarte. You must dedicate your lives to Jehovah and serve him only. Then he will rescue you from the Philistines.
1 Kings 8:47
If they come to their senses and are sorry for what they have done, and plead with you in the land where they are captives, saying: We have sinned. We have done wrong. We have been wicked.
Nehemiah 1:8
Keep in mind, O Jehovah, the order you gave your servant Moses, saying: 'If you do wrong I will send you wandering among the peoples:
Isaiah 55:6
Seek Jehovah while he may be found. Call on him while he is near.
Jeremiah 8:5
The people of Jerusalem turned away from me without ever returning. They still cling to deceit. They refuse to return.
Jeremiah 31:18
I hear the people of Israel say in grief, 'Jehovah, we were like an untamed animal, but you taught us to obey. Bring us back for we are ready to return to you, Jehovah our God.
Jeremiah 50:4
In those days and at that time, declares Jehovah, the sons of Israel will come. Both they and the sons of Judah will go along weeping as they go. They will seek Jehovah their God.
Lamentations 3:39
What protest may a living man make? Can a man protest about the punishment for his sin?
Hosea 14:1
Return, O Israel, to Jehovah your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.
Jonah 3:7
He made proclamation and published it in Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not eat, nor drink water.
Matthew 3:8
Bear fruit worthy of repentance!
Acts 3:19
Repent therefore, and turn around, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times (seasons) of refreshing shall come from the presence of Jehovah. (Deuteronomy 18:18, 19)
Acts 17:30
God overlooked the times of ignorance; but now he commands men everywhere to repent.
Acts 26:20
I preached first to Damascus, and to Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judea, and then to the people of the nations, that they should repent and turn to God, and prove their repentance by deeds.
James 4:8
Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded (uncertain) (doubter) (skeptic).


Ezekiel 14:4
Speak to them. Tell them, 'This is what Jehovah says: Suppose an Israelite is devoted to idols and allows himself to sin. Suppose he goes to a prophet to ask for my help. I, Jehovah, will give that Israelite an answer, the answer that his many idolaters deserve.
Ezekiel 8:16
So he took me to the inner courtyard of the Temple. There near the entrance of the sanctuary, between the altar and the porch, were about twenty-five men. They turned their backs to the sanctuary and were bowing low toward the east, worshiping the rising sun.
Ezekiel 16:63
I will forgive all the wrongs you have done, but you will remember them and be too ashamed to open your mouth.' The Lord Jehovah has spoken.
Ezekiel 36:31
Then you will remember your evil ways and the bad things that you did. You will hate yourselves for all these wicked and disgusting things.
2 Chronicles 29:6
Our ancestors were unfaithful and did what Jehovah our God considered evil. They deserted him. They turned away from Jehovah's tent and turned their backs on him.
Isaiah 2:20
That day people will throw their silver and gold idols, that they made for themselves to worship, to the moles and the bats.
Isaiah 30:22
Then you will dishonor your silver-plated idols and your gold-covered statues. You will throw them away like clothing ruined by stains. You will say to them: Get out!
Jeremiah 13:27
I have seen you commit adultery and scream with delight. I have seen you act like a brazen prostitute on the hills and in the fields. How hideous it will be for you, Jerusalem! Will you ever be clean?
Zephaniah 3:11
At that time you will no longer be ashamed of your transgression against me. I will remove everyone who is proud and arrogant. You will never again be haughty on my holy mountain.
Romans 6:21
You are now ashamed of the fruit you had at that time. For the results of these things is death.