Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me.

In bitterness, in the heat of my spirit

General references

Bible References

In bitterness, in the heat of my spirit

Numbers 11:11
And Moses said unto Yahweh - Wherefore hast thou let thy servant come to grief, and wherefore have I not found favour in thine eyes, - that thou shouldest lay the burden of all this people upon me.
Jeremiah 6:11
So then with the indignation of Yahweh, am I full I am too weary to hold it in, am constrained to pour it out, upon the boy in the street, and upon the circle of young men, together, - For, even husband with wife, will be captured, The eider with him who is full of days;
Jeremiah 20:14
Accursed, be the day on which I was born, - The day when my mother bare me, let it not be blessed!
John 4:1
When therefore the Lord knew, that the Pharisees had heard - Jesus, more disciples, is making and immersing, than John, -


Ezekiel 1:3
in very deed came the word of Yahweh unto Ezekiel son of Buzi the priest in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar, - yea the hand of Yahweh I came on him there I-
Ezekiel 8:1
And it came to pass, in the sixth year in the sixth month, on the fifth of the month, I being seated in my house, and the elders of Judah being seated before me, then fell upon me there the hand of My Lord Yahweh.
Ezekiel 37:1
The hand of Yahweh I being upon me, he carried me forth in the spirit of Yahweh, and set me down in the midst of a plain, - and the same was full of bones;
1 Kings 18:46
but, the hand of Yahweh, came upon Elijah, so he girded his loins, - and ran before Ahab, until thou enterest Jezreel.
2 Kings 2:16
Then said they unto him - Lo! we pray thee, there are with thy servants fifty men, sons of valour - let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy lord, lest the Spirit of Yahweh have borne him away, and cast him on one of the mountains, or into one of the valleys. And he said - Ye shall not send.
2 Kings 3:15
But, now, bring me one that can touch the strings. For it used to be, when the player touched the strings, then would, the hand of Yahweh, be upon him.
Jeremiah 20:7
Thou didst persuade me, O Yahweh and I was persuaded, Thou didst lay firm hold on me and didst prevail, - I am become a mockery, all the day, Every one, is laughing at me.

General references

Exodus 4:1
Then responded Moses, and said, And lo! they will not believe me, neither hearken to my voice, - for they will say, Yahweh, hath not appeared unto thee.
Psalm 39:3
Hot was my heart within me, While I was musing, there was kindled a fire, I spake with my tongue!
Ezekiel 2:2
Then the Spirit entered into me as soon as he spoke unto me, and it caused me to stand upon my feet, - and I heard one speaking unto me.