Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they builded, and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.

And the elders

Finished it

Bible References

And the elders

Ezra 3:8
Now, in the second year of their coming in unto the house of God, to Jerusalem, in the second month, began Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Jeshua son of Jozadak and the rest of their brethren - the priests and the Levites, and all that were come out of the captivity to Jerusalem, and stationed the Levites, of twenty years old and upwards, to preside over the work of the house of Yahweh.
Ezra 4:3
But Zerubbabel and Joshua and the rest of the ancestral chiefs of Israel, said unto them, It pertaineth not to you and to us in common , to build a house unto our God, - but, we ourselves together, will build unto Yahweh, God of Israel, even as King Cyrus, king of Persia, hath commanded us.


Ezra 5:1
Then were moved to prophesy, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah son of Iddo, the prophets, unto the Jews who were in Judaea and in Jerusalem, - in the name of the God of Israel, unto them.
Haggai 1:12
Then hearkened Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jehoshua son of Jehozadak the high priest, and all the remnant of the people, unto the voice of Yahweh their God, and unto the words of Haggai the prophet, as Yahweh their God, had sent him, - and the people, stood in awe, before Yahweh.
Haggai 2:2
Speak, I pray thee, unto Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, pasha of Judah, and unto Jehoshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, - and unto the remnant of the people, saying: -

Finished it

Zechariah 4:9
The hands of Zerubbabel, have founded this house, and, his hands, shall finish it, - So shalt thou know that, Yahweh of hosts, hath sent me unto you.


Isaiah 44:28
Who saith of Cyrus - My Shepherd! and All my pleasure, shall he make good Even saying of Jerusalem - She shall be built! And of the temple - Be her foundation laid!
Haggai 1:8
Ascend the mountain - and bring in wood and build the house, - that I may be pleased therewith and get myself glory, saith Yahweh.