Top 100 Phrases inGalatians (MKJV)
- 9 In Christ
- 9 Jesus Christ
- 6 Christ Jesus
- 5 Under Law
- 4 By Faith
- 4 In Me
- 4 In the Spirit
- 4 It is Written
- 4 Works of the Law
- 3 Let Us
- 3 Lord Jesus Christ
- 3 Of the Flesh
- 2 Be Accursed
- 2 Faith in Christ
- 2 Gave Himself
- 2 God the Father
- 2 Hearing of Faith
- 2 Live by Faith
- 2 Mount Sinai
- 2 Obey The Truth
- 2 Of the Circumcision
- 2 Preached the Gospel
- 2 Truth of the Gospel
- 2 Walk in the Spirit
- 1 All Things
- 1 Among the Nations
- 1 Angel of God
- 1 Another Gospel
- 1 Baptized into Christ
- 1 Before God
- 1 Before Your Eyes
- 1 Believed God
- 1 Blessing of Abraham
- 1 Book of the Law
- 1 Born According to the Spirit
- 1 By The Spirit
- 1 Called to Liberty
- 1 Christ Lives in Me
- 1 Church of God
- 1 Circumcision Nor Uncircumcision
- 1 Cross of Christ
- 1 Cross of Our Lord
- 1 Crucified the Flesh
- 1 Crucified with Christ
- 1 Curse of the Law
- 1 Deliver Us
- 1 Died To The Law
- 1 Do Not Be Deceived
- 1 Elements of the World
- 1 Entrusted with the Gospel
- 1 Faith in Jesus
- 1 Flesh and Blood
- 1 For Us
- 1 From God
- 1 Fruit of the Spirit
- 1 Glorified God
- 1 God Sent Forth His Son
- 1 Gospel of Christ
- 1 Grace of God
- 1 Grace of Our Lord
- 1 Heir of God
- 1 Household of Faith
- 1 In the Sight of God
- 1 Inherit The Kingdom
- 1 Israel of God
- 1 Just Shall Live by Faith
- 1 Justified by Faith
- 1 Justified by the Law
- 1 Justified by Works
- 1 Keep the Law
- 1 Kingdom of God
- 1 Law of Christ
- 1 Led by the Spirit
- 1 Liberty Which We Have in Christ
- 1 Live in the Spirit
- 1 Lose Heart
- 1 Love Your Neighbor
- 1 My Children
- 1 My Father
- 1 My Flesh
- 1 Neither Circumcision Nor Uncircumcision
- 1 New Creation
- 1 O God
- 1 Of the World
- 1 Persecuted the Church of God
- 1 Persecution for the Cross of Christ
- 1 Promise of the Spirit
- 1 Promises of God
- 1 Put on
- 1 Raised Him from the Dead
- 1 Reap Life Everlasting
- 1 Receive the Spirit
- 1 Revelation of Jesus Christ
- 1 Right Hand
- 1 Separated Me from
- 1 Servant of Christ
- 1 Son of God
- 1 Sons of God
- 1 Stand Fast
- 1 Take Heed