Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


When Leah saw that she had left bearing, she took Zilpah her maid, and gave her Jacob to wife.

Bible References


Genesis 30:17
God heard what Leah had said, so she conceived and bore a fifth son for Jacob.
Genesis 29:35
Then she conceived yet again, bore a son, and said, "This time I'll praise the LORD." So she named him Judah. Then she stopped bearing children.

Gave her

Genesis 30:4
So Rachel gave Jacob her woman servant Bilhah to be his wife, and Jacob had sex with her.
Genesis 16:3
Abram listened to Sarai's suggestion, so Abram's wife Sarai took her Egyptian servant, Hagar, and gave her as a wife to her husband Abram. This took place ten years after Abram had settled in the land of Canaan.

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