Genesis 5:29
and called him Noah, saying, "This same shall comfort us: as concerning our work and sorrow of our hands which we have about the earth that the LORD hath cursed."
Genesis 3:17-19
And unto Adam he said, "Forasmuch as thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying 'See thou eat not thereof' cursed be the earth for thy sake. In sorrow shalt thou eat thereof all days of thy life:
Genesis 4:11-12
And now cursed be thou as pertaining to the earth, which opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood of thine hand.
Genesis 6:8-9
But yet Noah found grace in the sight of the LORD.
Genesis 7:23
Thus was destroyed all that was upon the earth; both man, beasts, worms and fowls of the air, so that they were destroyed from the earth: save Noah was reserved only and they that were with him in the ark.
Genesis 9:24
As soon as Noah was awaked from his wine and wist what his youngest son had done unto him,
Isaiah 54:9
And this must be unto me as the water of Noah. For like as I have sworn that I will not bring the water of Noah any more upon the world: so have I sworn, that I will never be angry with thee, nor reprove thee.
Ezekiel 14:14
And though Noah, Daniel and Job these three men were among them, yet shall they in their righteousness deliver but their own souls, sayeth the LORD God.
Ezekiel 14:20
and if Noah, Daniel and Job were therein: as truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but save their own souls in their righteousness.
Matthew 24:37
As the time of Noah was, so likewise shall the coming of the son of man be.
Luke 3:36
which was the son of Cainan: which was the son of Arphaxad: which was the son of Shem: which was the son of Noah: which was the son of Lamech:
Luke 17:26-27
"As it happened in the time of Noah, so shall it be in the time of the son of man.
Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah honoured God, after that he was warned of things which were not seen, and prepared the ark to the saving of his household, through the which ark he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which cometh by faith.
1 Peter 3:20
which were in time past disobedient, when the long suffering of God abode exceeding patiently in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few - that is to say eight souls - were saved by water,
2 Peter 2:5
neither spared the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth preacher of righteousness, and brought in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;