Hebrews 4:4

even though his actions had been finished since the creation of the world. Somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day as follows: "On the seventh day God rested from all his actions,"

Exodus 20:11

because the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything that is in them in six days. Then he rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Exodus 31:17

It is a sign forever between me and the Israelis, because the LORD made the heavens and the earth in six days, but on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.'"

Hebrews 2:6

Instead, someone has declared somewhere, "What is man that you should remember him, or the son of man that you should care for him?

Genesis 2:1-2

With this the heavens and the earth were completed, including all of their vast array.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

Bible References


Hebrews 2:6
Instead, someone has declared somewhere, "What is man that you should remember him, or the son of man that you should care for him?


Genesis 2:1
With this the heavens and the earth were completed, including all of their vast array.
Exodus 20:11
because the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything that is in them in six days. Then he rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Exodus 31:17
It is a sign forever between me and the Israelis, because the LORD made the heavens and the earth in six days, but on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.'"

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