Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
For the wisdom
General references
Bible References
I will
Isaiah 29:9
"Act stupid! Be astonished! Act blind, and be blind! Be drunk, but not from wine; stagger around, but not from strong drink.
Isaiah 28:21
For the LORD will stand upon Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself in the Valley of Gibeon; to carry out his work his strange deed, and to perform his task his alien task!
Habakkuk 1:5
"Look out at the nations and pay attention! Be astounded! Be really astounded! Because something is happening in your lifetime that you won't believe, even if it were described down to the smallest detail.
John 9:29
We know that God has spoken to Moses, but we do not know where this fellow comes from."
For the wisdom
Isaiah 29:10
For the LORD has poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep he has closed your eyes, you prophets, he has covered your heads, you seers!"
Isaiah 6:9
"Go!" he responded. "Tell this people: ""Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.'
Isaiah 19:3
The spirits of the Egyptians within them will be drained of courage, and I will bring their plans to nothing. They will consult idols and spirits of the dead, and mediums and spiritists.
Job 5:13
He captures the wise in their own craftiness, bringing a quick end to their cunning advice.
Jeremiah 8:7
Even the stork in the sky knows its seasons, and the dove, the swallow, and the crane observe the time for migration. But my people don't know the requirements of the LORD.
Jeremiah 49:7
To Edom: This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "Is there no longer wisdom in Teman? Has counsel perished among the prudent? Is their wisdom gone?
Obadiah 1:8
"In that day," declares the Lord, "will I not destroy the wise from Edom, and those with understanding from Esau's Mountain?
Luke 10:24
Because I tell you, many prophets and kings wanted to see the things you see but didn't see them, and to hear the things you hear but didn't hear them."
John 9:39
Then Jesus said, "I have come into this world to judge it, so that those who are blind may see and so that those who see may become blind."
Acts 28:26
He said, "Go to this people and say, "You will listen and listen but never understand, and you will look and look but never see!
Romans 1:21
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him. Instead, their thoughts turned to worthless things, and their senseless hearts were darkened.
1 Corinthians 1:19
For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the intelligence of the intelligent I will reject."
1 Corinthians 3:19
For the wisdom of this world is nonsense in God's sight. For it is written, "He catches the wise with their own trickery,"
General references
Deuteronomy 32:28
They are a nation devoid of purpose and without insight.
Job 12:17
He leads counselors away naked; he turns judges into fools.
John 7:49
But this mob that does not know the Law they're under a curse!"
1 Corinthians 1:19
For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the intelligence of the intelligent I will reject."