Isaiah 3:5
man against man, neighbor against neighbor;
the youth will act arrogantly toward the elder,
and the worthless toward the honorable.
Jeremiah 9:3-8
lies and not faithfulness prevail in the land,
for they proceed from one evil to another,
and they do not take Me into account.
This is the Lord’s declaration.
Leviticus 19:32
“You are to rise in the presence of the elderly and honor the old.
2 Samuel 16:5-9
When King David got to Bahurim, a man belonging to the family of the house of Saul was just coming out. His name was Shimei son of Gera,
2 Kings 2:23
From there Elisha went up to Bethel.
Job 30:1-12
men younger than I am,
whose fathers I would have refused to put
with my sheep dogs.
Ecclesiastes 10:5-7
There is an evil I have seen under the sun, an error proceeding from the presence of the ruler:
Isaiah 1:4
people weighed down with iniquity,
brood of evildoers,
depraved children!
They have abandoned
they have despised
they have turned their backs on Him.
Isaiah 9:19-21
by the wrath of the Lord of Hosts,
and the people are like fuel for the fire.
No one has compassion on his brother.
Isaiah 11:13
Judah’s harassment will end.
Ephraim will no longer be envious of Judah,
and Judah will not harass Ephraim.
Jeremiah 22:17
except your own dishonest profit,
shedding innocent blood
and committing extortion and oppression.
Ezekiel 22:6-7
“Look, every prince of Israel
Ezekiel 22:12
People who live in you accept bribes in order to shed blood.
Amos 4:1
who are on the hill of Samaria,
women who oppress the poor
and crush the needy,
who say to their husbands,
“Bring us something to drink.”
Micah 3:1-3
you rulers of the house of Israel.
Aren’t you supposed to know what is just?
Micah 3:11
her priests teach for payment,
and her prophets practice divination for money.
Yet they lean on the Lord, saying,
“Isn’t the Lord
No disaster will overtake us.”
Micah 7:3-6
the official and the judge demand a bribe;
when the powerful man communicates his evil desire,
they plot it together.
Zechariah 7:9-11
“The Lord of Hosts says this: Make fair decisions.
Malachi 3:5
“I will come to you in judgment, and I will be ready to witness against sorcerers and adulterers; against those who swear falsely; against those who oppress the widow and the fatherless, and cheat the wage earner; and against those who deny justice to the foreigner.
Matthew 26:67
Then they spit in His face
Matthew 27:28-30
They stripped Him and dressed Him in a scarlet military robe.
Mark 14:65
Then some began to spit on Him, to blindfold Him, and to beat Him, saying, “Prophesy!”
Luke 22:64
After blindfolding Him, they kept
James 2:6
Yet you dishonored that poor man.
James 5:4
Look! The pay that you withheld from the workers
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
The people
General references
Bible References
The people
by the wrath of the Lord of Hosts,
and the people are like fuel for the fire.
No one has compassion on his brother.
Judah’s harassment will end.
Ephraim will no longer be envious of Judah,
and Judah will not harass Ephraim.
lies and not faithfulness prevail in the land,
for they proceed from one evil to another,
and they do not take Me into account.
This is the Lord’s declaration.
except your own dishonest profit,
shedding innocent blood
and committing extortion and oppression.
who are on the hill of Samaria,
women who oppress the poor
and crush the needy,
who say to their husbands,
“Bring us something to drink.”
you rulers of the house of Israel.
Aren’t you supposed to know what is just?
people weighed down with iniquity,
brood of evildoers,
depraved children!
They have abandoned
they have despised
they have turned their backs on Him.
men younger than I am,
whose fathers I would have refused to put
with my sheep dogs.