Isaiah 58:14
Then shalt thou have thy pleasure in the LORD, which shall carry thee high above the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the LORD's own mouth hath so promised.
Deuteronomy 32:13
He set him up upon a high land, and he ate the increase of the fields. And he gave him honey to suck out of the rock, and oil out of the hard stone.
Job 22:26
Then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and lift up thy face unto God.
Deuteronomy 33:29
Happy art thou Israel: who is like unto thee? A people that art saved by the LORD; thy shield, and helper, and sword of thy glory. And thine enemies shall hide themselves from thee, and thou shalt walk upon their high hills."
Isaiah 33:16
He it is, that shall dwell on high; whose safeguard shall be in the true rock, to him shall be given the right true meat and drink.
Isaiah 40:5
For the glory of the LORD shall appear, and all flesh shall at once see it. For why? The mouth of the LORD hath spoken it."
Job 27:10
Hath he such pleasure and delight in the Almighty, that he dare always call upon God?
Job 34:9
For he sayeth, 'Though a man be good, yet is he naught before God.'
Psalm 36:8
They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness of thy house, and thou shalt give them drink of the river of thy pleasures.
Psalm 37:4
Delight thou in the LORD, and he shall give thee thy heart's desire.
Psalm 37:11
But the meek spirited shall possess the earth, and shall be refreshed in the multitude of peace.
Psalm 105:9-11
even the covenant that he made with Abraham, and the oath that he sware unto Isaac,
Psalm 135:12
and gave their land for a heritage, for a heritage unto Israel his people.
Psalm 136:21
And gave away their land for a heritage! For his mercy endureth forever.
Isaiah 1:19-20
If ye will agree and hearken, ye shall eat the best of the land, saith the LORD God.
Jeremiah 3:19
"'I have showed also, how I took thee up being but a child, and gave thee a pleasant land for thine heritage; yea, and a goodly Host of the Heathen: and how I commanded thee, that thou shouldest call me Father only, and not to shrink from me.
Micah 4:4
But every man shall sit under his vineyard and under his fig tree, and no man to fray him away: for the mouth of the LORD of Hosts hath spoken it.
Habakkuk 3:18-19
But as for me, I will be glad in the LORD, and will rejoice in God my Saviour.
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth shall perish: but my words shall abide.
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
1 Peter 1:8
whom ye have not seen and yet love him, in whom even now, though ye see him not, yet ye believe, and rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorious: