James 2:14

My brothers, what good is there in a man's saying that he has faith, if he has no good deeds to prove it? Such faith cannot save him, can it?

James 1:22-25

Keep on obeying this message; do not merely listen to it, and so deceive yourselves.

Galatians 5:6

For in union with Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor lack of it counts for anything; but only faith that is spurred on to action by love.

Matthew 5:20

For I tell you that unless your righteousness far surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven at all.

Matthew 7:21-23

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will get into the kingdom of heaven, but only those who practice doing the will of my Father in heaven.

Matthew 7:26-27

And anyone who listens to my words and does not practice their teaching, will be like an imprudent man who built his house on sand.

Luke 6:49

But the man who merely hears them and does not practice them is like a man who built a house upon the ground without a foundation. The torrent burst upon it, and at once it collapsed, and the wreck of that house was complete."

Acts 8:13

So Simon himself came to believe too, and after he was baptized he continued to be devoted to Philip, and he was always thrilled at seeing such great signs and wonder-works continuously performed.

Acts 8:21

You have no share or part in this matter, for your heart is not sincere in the sight of God.

Acts 15:9

and in this way He put no difference between us and them, because He cleansed their hearts by faith.

Romans 2:25

Now circumcision benefits you only if you practice the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision is no better than uncircumcision.

1 Corinthians 13:2-3

If I should have the gift of prophecy, And know all secret truths, and knowledge in its every form, and have such perfect faith that I could move mountains, but have no love, I am nothing.

1 Corinthians 15:2

and through which you are to be saved, unless your faith at first was spurious.

1 Corinthians 16:22

A curse upon anyone who does not love the Lord! Our Lord is coming.

Galatians 5:13

For you, brothers, were called to freedom; only you must not let your freedom be an excuse for the gratification of your lower nature, but in love be slaves to one another.

Ephesians 2:8-10

For it is by His unmerited favor through faith that you have been saved; it is not by anything that you have done, it is the gift of God.

1 Thessalonians 1:3

for we can never for a moment before our God forget your energizing faith, your toiling love, and your enduring hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 1:5

But the aim of your instruction is to be love that flows out of a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.

1 Timothy 4:8

Physical training, indeed, is of some service, but religion is of service for everything, for it contains a promise for the present life as well as the future.

Titus 1:16

They profess to know God, but by their actions they disown Him; they are detestable, disobedient, and useless for anything good.

Titus 3:8

It is a message to be trusted, and I want you to be emphatic about these things, so that those who believe in God may be careful to take the lead in doing good. These things are right and render service to mankind.

Hebrews 11:7-8

By faith Noah, on being divinely warned about things not seen as yet, in reverence prepared an ark for saving his family, and by his faith condemned the world and became possessor of the uprightness that results from faith.

Hebrews 11:17

By faith Abraham, when he was put to the test, offered Isaac as a sacrifice; that is, he who had received the promise was starting to offer as a sacrifice his only son,

Hebrews 13:9

You must stop being carried away with varied and strange teachings. For it is a good thing for the heart to be strengthened by God's spiritual strength, not by special kinds of food, from which those adhering to them have gotten no good.

James 2:16

and one of you says to him, "Blessings on you, keep warm, eat until you have aplenty," without giving him the things that are needed for the body, what good does it do?

James 2:18

But someone may say, "You have faith, and I have good deeds. Show me your faith without any good deeds, but I will show you mine by my good deeds."

James 2:26

Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without good deeds is dead.

2 Peter 1:5

Now for this very reason you must do your level best to supplement your faith with moral character, moral character with knowledge,

1 John 5:4-5

for every child of God continues to conquer the world. Our faith is the victory that has conquered the world.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


James 2:16
and one of you says to him, "Blessings on you, keep warm, eat until you have aplenty," without giving him the things that are needed for the body, what good does it do?
Romans 2:25
Now circumcision benefits you only if you practice the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision is no better than uncircumcision.
1 Corinthians 13:3
If I should dole out everything I have for charity, and give my body up to torture in mere boasting pride, but have no love, I get from it no good at all.
1 Timothy 4:8
Physical training, indeed, is of some service, but religion is of service for everything, for it contains a promise for the present life as well as the future.
Hebrews 13:9
You must stop being carried away with varied and strange teachings. For it is a good thing for the heart to be strengthened by God's spiritual strength, not by special kinds of food, from which those adhering to them have gotten no good.


James 2:18
But someone may say, "You have faith, and I have good deeds. Show me your faith without any good deeds, but I will show you mine by my good deeds."
James 1:22
Keep on obeying this message; do not merely listen to it, and so deceive yourselves.
Matthew 5:20
For I tell you that unless your righteousness far surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven at all.
Matthew 7:21
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will get into the kingdom of heaven, but only those who practice doing the will of my Father in heaven.
Luke 6:49
But the man who merely hears them and does not practice them is like a man who built a house upon the ground without a foundation. The torrent burst upon it, and at once it collapsed, and the wreck of that house was complete."
Acts 8:13
So Simon himself came to believe too, and after he was baptized he continued to be devoted to Philip, and he was always thrilled at seeing such great signs and wonder-works continuously performed.
Acts 15:9
and in this way He put no difference between us and them, because He cleansed their hearts by faith.
1 Corinthians 13:2
If I should have the gift of prophecy, And know all secret truths, and knowledge in its every form, and have such perfect faith that I could move mountains, but have no love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 16:22
A curse upon anyone who does not love the Lord! Our Lord is coming.
Galatians 5:6
For in union with Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor lack of it counts for anything; but only faith that is spurred on to action by love.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
for we can never for a moment before our God forget your energizing faith, your toiling love, and your enduring hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 1:5
But the aim of your instruction is to be love that flows out of a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.
Titus 1:16
They profess to know God, but by their actions they disown Him; they are detestable, disobedient, and useless for anything good.
Titus 3:8
It is a message to be trusted, and I want you to be emphatic about these things, so that those who believe in God may be careful to take the lead in doing good. These things are right and render service to mankind.
Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah, on being divinely warned about things not seen as yet, in reverence prepared an ark for saving his family, and by his faith condemned the world and became possessor of the uprightness that results from faith.
2 Peter 1:5
Now for this very reason you must do your level best to supplement your faith with moral character, moral character with knowledge,
1 John 5:4
for every child of God continues to conquer the world. Our faith is the victory that has conquered the world.


1 Corinthians 15:2
and through which you are to be saved, unless your faith at first was spurious.
Ephesians 2:8
For it is by His unmerited favor through faith that you have been saved; it is not by anything that you have done, it is the gift of God.