Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them.
Bible References
Jeremiah 32:39
And I gave to them one heart and one way, to fear me all the days, for good to them and to their sons after them.
Genesis 17:5
And thy name shall no more be called Abram, and thy name shall be Abraham, for the father of a multitude of nations have I given thee.
Psalm 90:16
Cause thy works to be seen to thy servants, and thine honor for their sons.
Psalm 102:18
This shall be written for a later generation: and a people created shall praise Jah.
Isaiah 1:26
And I will turn back thy judges as in the beginning, and thy counsellors as in the beginning: after this he shall call to thee, The city of justice, the faithful city.
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Jeremiah 30:16
For this, all consuming thee shall be consumed; and all thine adversaries, all of them shall go into captivity; and they spoiling thee, were for spoiling, and all plundering thee I will give to plunder.
Jeremiah 2:3
Israel is holy to Jehovah, the beginning of the produce: all consuming him shall transgress; evil shall come upon them, says Jehovah.
Jeremiah 50:33
Thus said Jehovah of armies: the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah being oppressed together: and all taking them captive held upon them; they refused to send them away.
Isaiah 49:26
And I will cause those oppressing thee to eat their own flesh, and they shall drink their blood to the full as new wine: and all flesh shall know that I am Jehovah saving thee, and redeeming thee, the Mighty One of Jacob.
Isaiah 51:22
Thus said thy Lord Jehovah and thy God, he will contend for his people, Behold, I took from thy hand the cup of reeling, the goblet cup of my wrath; thou shalt not add to drink it more.