Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

Bible References

Are not thine

Jeremiah 32:19
Great of counsel, and vast of doing: for thine eyes being opened upon all the ways of the sons of men to give to each according to his ways, and to the fruit of his doings:
2 Chronicles 16:9
For Jehovah, his eyes run to and fro in all the earth to strengthen himself with the perfected heart of them to him. Thou wert foolish for this that from now there is wars with thee.
Psalm 11:4
Jehovah is in his holy temple; Jehovah, in the heavens his throne: his eyes will behold, his eyelashes will try the sons of man.
Psalm 51:6
Behold, thou didst delight in truth in the reins, and in bidden things thou wilt cause me to know wisdom.
Proverbs 22:12
The eyes of Jehovah guarded knowledge, and he will overthrow the words of him transgressing.
Romans 2:2
And we know that the judgment of God is according to truth upon them doing such things.

Thou hast stricken

Jeremiah 2:30
In vain did I strike your sons; they received no instruction: your sword consumed the prophets as a lion destroying.
Jeremiah 7:28
And say to them, This a nation that heard not to the voice of Jehovah its God, and they received not instruction: faithfulness perished, and was eat off from their mouth.
2 Chronicles 28:22
And in the time of straits to him and he will add to transgress against Jehovah: this the king Ahaz.
Proverbs 23:35
They struck me, I was not pained; they beat me, I knew not: when shall I awake? I will add, I will yet seek it.
Proverbs 27:22
If thou shalt pound the foolish in a mortar in the midst of the grain with a pestle, thou shalt not remove from him his folly.
Isaiah 1:5
For what shall ye be yet struck? will ye add apostasy? every head for sickness, and every heart sick
Isaiah 9:13
And the people turned not back even to him smiting them, and Jehovah of armies they sought not
Isaiah 42:25
And be will pour upon him the heat of his anger, and the strength of war: and it will burn him from round about, and he will not know; and it will feed upon him and he will not lay to the heart.
Ezekiel 24:13
In thy uncleanness is wickedness: because I cleansed thee and thou wert not cleansed, thou shalt no more be cleansed from thy uncleanness till my causing my wrath to rest upon thee.
Zephaniah 3:1
Wo! to the wonderful and oppressing city being redeemed.

They have made

Proverbs 21:29
An unjust man strengthened with his face: and the upright he will prepare his ways.
Isaiah 48:4
From my knowledge that thou wert hard, and thy neck an iron sinew, and thy forehead of brass:
Ezekiel 3:7
And the house of Israel will not hear to thee; for they are not willing to hear to me: for all the house of Israel are strong of forehead, and they are hard of heart.
Zechariah 7:11
And they will refuse to attend, and they will give a stubborn shoulder, and their ears they made heavy from hearing.
Romans 2:4
Or the abundance of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering dos thou despise; not knowing that the goodness of God brings thee to repentance?
Hebrews 12:9
Since we truly have fathers of our flesh instructors, and we were influenced: shall we not rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and we shall live?

General references

Genesis 19:34
And it shall be on the morrow, and the first-born will say to the small, Behold, I lay down yesterday with my father: we will also give him wine to drink this night; and go thou, lie down with him, and we shall preserve alive seed from our father.
Leviticus 26:23
And if by these ye will not be admonished by me, and ye went hostile with me;
Proverbs 27:22
If thou shalt pound the foolish in a mortar in the midst of the grain with a pestle, thou shalt not remove from him his folly.
Ezekiel 22:24
Son of man, say to her, Thou a land not being cleansed; it was not rained upon in the day of anger.
Luke 8:6
And other fell upon a rock; and having brought forth, was dried up, for it had no moisture.