Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them.

Thick clouds

And the cloud

Bible References

Bindeth up

Job 36:29
Who can understand how he spreads out the clouds, how he thunders from his pavilion?
Job 38:9
When I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness,
Genesis 1:6
Then God said: Let there be an expanse in the middle of the waters. Let it separate the waters from the waters.
Psalm 135:7
He causes the vapors to rise from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain. He brings wind out of his storehouses.
Proverbs 30:4
Who ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who gathered the wind in his hands? Who bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell me?
Jeremiah 10:13
He speaks, and the water in the sky produces a storm. He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning flash with the rain. He brings wind out of his storehouses.

Thick clouds

Job 37:11
He loads the thick cloud with moisture and disperses with lighting.
Psalm 18:10
He rode on a cherub and he flew. Yes he did soar on the wings of the wind.

And the cloud

Isaiah 5:6
It will turn into a desert, neither pruned nor cultivated. It will be covered with thorns and briars. I will command the clouds not to send rain.