Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Job 42:6
For this cause, I tremble and repent, on dust and ashes.
Genesis 18:27
And Abraham responded and said, - Behold I pray thee I have ventured to speak unto My Lord, though I am dust and ashes:
Genesis 32:10
I am too small for all the lovingkindnesses and for all the faithfulness, which thou hast done unto thy servant, - For with my staff, passed I over this Jordan, But, now, have I become two camps.
2 Samuel 24:10
And the heart of David smote him, after he had reckoned up the people, - and David said unto Yahweh - I have sinned greatly, in what I have done, Now, therefore, O Yahweh, take away, I beseech thee, the iniquity of thy servant, for I have done very foolishly.
1 Kings 19:4
But, he himself, went into the wilderness a day's journey, and came and sat down under a certain shrub, - and asked for his life, that he might die, and said - Enough, now, O Yahweh! take away my life, for, no better, am, I, than, my fathers.
Ezra 9:6
and said, O my God, I turn pale and am ashamed, to lift up, O my God, my face unto thee, - for, our iniquities, have multiplied above the head, and our guilt hath magnified itself unto the heavens.
Nehemiah 9:33
But, thou, art righteous, as to all that hath fallen upon us, - for, faithfulness, hast thou wrought, whereas, we, have been lawless;
Psalm 51:4
Against thee - against thee alone, have I sinned, And, wickedness - in thine eyes, have I done, - That thou mayest, Be justified when thou speakest, - Be clear when thou judgest.
Isaiah 6:5
Then said I - Woe to me! - for I am undone, Because a man of unclean lips, am, I, And in the midst of a people of unclean lips, do I dwell, - For the King. Yahweh of hosts, have mine eyes seen!
Isaiah 53:6
We all, like sheep, had gone astray, Every man - to his way, had we burned, - And Yahweh! caused to light upon him The guilt of, us all!
Isaiah 64:6
But we have become as one unclean all of us, And, as a garment polluted, were all our righteous doings, - And so we faded like a leaf all of us, And, our iniquity, as a wind, carried us away;
Daniel 9:5
We have sinned and committed iniquity, and been guilty of lawlessness and been rebellious, - even departing from thy commandments, and from thy regulations;
Luke 5:8
And Simon, beholding, fell down at the knees of Jesus, saying - Depart from me! Because, a sinful man, am I, O Lord!
Luke 15:18
I will arise, and go unto my father, and will say unto him - Father! I have sinned against heaven, and before thee:
Luke 18:13
But, the tax-collector, afar off, standing, - would not so much as lift up, his eyes, unto heaven, but kept smiting his own breast saying - O God! be propitiated unto me, the sinner!
1 Timothy 1:15
Faithful, the saying! and, of all acceptance, worthy, - that, Christ Jesus, came into the world, sinners, to save: of whom, the chief, am, I; -


Job 9:31
Then, in a ditch, wouldst thou plunge me, and mine own clothes should abhor me:
Job 16:21
That one might plead, for a man, with GOD, - Even a son of man, for his friend!
Job 23:4
I would set out, before him, a plea, and, my mouth, would I fill with arguments;
Job 31:37
The number of my footsteps, I would declare to him, Like a noble, would I draw near to him.

I will

Job 21:5
Turn round to me, and be astonished, and lay hand on mouth!
Job 29:9
Rulers, restrained speech, and, a hand, laid they on their mouth;
Judges 18:19
And they said unto him - Hold thy peace, lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and become to us a father and a priest, - is it better that thou be priest to the house of one man, or that thou be priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel?
Psalm 39:9
I am dumb, I cannot open my mouth, for, thou, hast done it.
Proverbs 30:32
If thou hast acted basely by lifting thyself up, - if thou hast plotted evil, put thy hand to thy mouth!
Micah 7:16
Nations, shall see, that they may turn pale at all their valour, - they shall lay hand on mouth, their ears, shall be silent:
Habakkuk 2:20
Howbeit, Yahweh, is in his holy temple, - Hush before him, all the earth.
Zechariah 2:13
Hush! all flesh, before Yahweh, - For he hath roused himself up out of his holy dwelling.

General references

Genesis 18:30
And he said Let it not, I pray thee, be vexing to My Lord, but let me speak, Peradventure there may be found there - thirty And be said, I will not to it, if I find there - thirty.
Leviticus 13:23
But if in its place the bright spot stayeth hath lint spread, a boil, it is, - and the priest shall pronounce him clean.
Job 11:5
But, in very deed, oh that GOD would speak, that he would open his lips with thee:
Job 13:2
Just as ye know, I too, know, I, fall not short, of you.
Job 34:31
For, unto GOD, hath one ever said - I have borne punishment, I will not be perverse;
Psalm 39:9
I am dumb, I cannot open my mouth, for, thou, hast done it.