John 21:18
Verily, verily, I say unto thee - When thou wast younger, thou usedst to gird thyself, and to walk whither thou didst choose; but, when thou shalt become aged, thou shalt stretch out thy hands, and, another, shall gird thee, and bear thee, whither thou dost not choose.
John 13:36
Simon Peter saith unto him - Lord! whither dost thou withdraw? Jesus answered - Whither I withdraw, thou canst not, now, follow me, but thou shalt follow, hereafter.
John 12:27-28
Now, is my soul troubled, - and what can I say? Father! save me from this hour? But, on this account, came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name!
Acts 12:3-4
And, seeing that it was acceptable unto the Jews, he went on to apprehend Peter also (now they were the days of unleavened bread), -
Acts 21:11
and, coming unto us, and taking Paul's girdle, he bound his own feet and hands, and said - Thus, saith the Holy Spirit, the man whose this girdle is, shall the Jews thus bind in Jerusalem, and deliver up into the hands of Gentiles.
2 Corinthians 5:4
And verily, we who are in the tent, do sigh, being weighed down, while yet we are not wishing to unclothe ourselves, but to clothe ourselves over, - in order that, what is mortal, may be swallowed up, by life.