Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

He that believeth not

General references

Bible References

Is not

John 3:36
He that believeth on the Son, hath life age-abiding: whereas, he that yieldeth not unto the Son, shall not see life, - but, the anger of God, awaiteth him.
John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you: He that heareth, my word, and believeth in him that sent me, hath life age-abiding, and, into judgment, cometh not, but hath passed over, out of death into life.
John 6:40
For, this, is the will of my Father, That, every one that vieweth the Son, and believeth on him, should have life age-abiding, and, I, should raise him up, at the last day.
John 20:31
but, these, are written, that ye may believe that, Jesus, is, the Christ, the Son of God; and that, believing, ye may have life in his name.
Romans 5:1
Having, therefore, been declared righteous by faith, let us have, peace, towards God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, -
Romans 8:1
Hence there is now, no, condemnation unto them who are in Christ Jesus;
1 John 5:12
He that hath the Son, hath, the life, - he that hath not the Son of God, hath not, the life.

He that believeth not

Hebrews 2:3
how shall, we, escape, if, so great a salvation as this, we have neglected, - which, indeed, having received, a beginning, of being spoken through the Lord, by them who heard, unto us was confirmed,
Hebrews 12:25
Beware, lest ye excuse yourselves from him that speaketh; for, if, they escaped not, who excused themselves from him who on earth was warning, how much less, shall, we, who from him that warneth from the heavens, do turn ourselves away:
1 John 5:10
He that believeth on the Son of God, hath the witness, within himself: He that doth not believe God, false, hath made him, - because he hath not believed on the witness which, God, hath witnessed, concerning his Son -

General references

John 16:9
Concerning sin, indeed, because they are not believing on me;
Romans 3:28
For we reckon that a man is to be declared righteous by faith, apart from works of law.
Hebrews 3:19
And we see, that they were not able to enter, because of unbelief.