Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come.
General references
Bible References
John 7:19
Did not Moses give you the law? And yet not one of you is keeping that law. If so, why are you trying to kill me?"
John 8:37
I know that you are Abraham's descendants, and yet you are trying to kill me, because there is no room in you for my teaching.
John 10:31
The Jews again picked up stones to stone Him.
John 11:57
Now the high priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone should learn where He was, he should let it be known so that they might arrest Him.
Mark 11:18
Then the high priests and the scribes heard of this, and they kept looking for some way to destroy Him, for they were afraid of Him, for everybody was swept off his feet at what He said.
Luke 19:47
So He was teaching daily in the temple, and the high priests and the scribes and the leading men of the people were trying to destroy Him,
Luke 20:19
Then the scribes and the high priests tried to arrest Him at that very hour, but they were afraid of the people, for they knew that He meant this story for them.
John 7:6
Then Jesus said to them, "It is not yet time for me to do so, but anytime is suitable for you.
John 8:20
He said these things in the treasury as He was teaching in the temple, and yet no one ventured to arrest Him, because the time had not yet come for Him.
John 9:4
We must continue to do the works of Him who sent me while it is daylight. Night is coming when no one can do any work.
John 11:9
Jesus answered, "Does not the day have twelve hours? If a man travels in the daytime, he does not stumble, for he can see the light of this world;
Luke 13:32
But He said to them: "Go and tell that fox, 'Here I am, driving out demons and performing cures, today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will finish these tasks.
Luke 22:53
While I was among you day after day in the temple, you never laid a hand on me! But this is your opportunity, even the power which darkness gives you!"
General references
John 10:39
Once more they were trying to arrest Him, but He escaped from their hands.