Lamentations 3:24
"My portion is the Lord," I have said to myself, so I will put my hope in him.
Psalm 16:5
Lord, you give me stability and prosperity; you make my future secure.
Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may grow weak, but God always protects my heart and gives me stability.
Psalm 33:18
Look, the Lord takes notice of his loyal followers, those who wait for him to demonstrate his faithfulness
Lamentations 3:21
But this I call to mind; therefore I have hope:
1 Samuel 30:6
David was very upset, for the men were thinking of stoning him; each man grieved bitterly over his sons and daughters. But David drew strength from the Lord his God.
1 Chronicles 5:20
They received divine help in fighting them, and the Hagrites and all their allies were handed over to them. They cried out to God during the battle; he responded to their prayers because they trusted in him.
Job 13:15
Even if he slays me, I will hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face!
Psalm 31:24
Be strong and confident, all you who wait on the Lord!
Psalm 42:11
Why are you depressed, O my soul? Why are you upset? Wait for God! For I will again give thanks to my God for his saving intervention.
Psalm 43:5
Why are you depressed, O my soul? Why are you upset? Wait for God! For I will again give thanks to my God for his saving intervention.
Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times, you people! Pour out your hearts before him! God is our shelter! (Selah)
Psalm 84:12
O Lord who rules over all, how blessed are those who trust in you!
Psalm 119:57
(Khet) The Lord is my source of security. I have determined to follow your instructions.
Psalm 130:7
O Israel, hope in the Lord, for the Lord exhibits loyal love, and is more than willing to deliver.
Psalm 142:5
I cry out to you, O Lord; I say, "You are my shelter, my security in the land of the living."
Jeremiah 10:16
The Lord, who is the inheritance of Jacob's descendants, is not like them. He is the one who created everything. And the people of Israel are those he claims as his own. He is known as the Lord who rules over all."
Jeremiah 51:19
The Lord, who is the portion of the descendants of Jacob, is not like them. For he is the one who created everything, including the people of Israel whom he claims as his own. He is known as the Lord who rules over all.
Romans 15:12
And again Isaiah says, "The root of Jesse will come, and the one who rises to rule over the Gentiles, in him will the Gentiles hope."
1 Peter 1:21
Through him you now trust in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.