Leviticus 1:10
And if from the sheep his offering, from the lambs, or from the goats, for a burnt-offering; a blameless male he shall bring it near.
Genesis 4:4
And Abel, he also brought in the first-born of his sheep, and their fat. And Jehovah will look to Abel and to his gift
Genesis 8:20
And Noah will build an altar to Jehovah, and will take from all clean cattle, and from all clean birds, and will bring up a burnt offering upon the altar.
Exodus 12:5
A perfect sheep, a male, the son of a year, shall be to you from the he-lambs and from the goats ye shall take.
Leviticus 1:2-3
Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, A man when he shall bring near from you an offering to Jehovah, from the cattle, from the oxen and from the sheep, ye shall bring near your offering.
Leviticus 4:23
Or his sin being made known to him while he sinned in it; and he brought his offering, a he goat of the goats, a blameless male.
Leviticus 22:19
For your acceptance a blameless male among the cattle, among the sheep, and among the goats.
Isaiah 53:6-7
All we as sheep went astray; we turned a man to his way; and Jehovah caused the iniquity of us all to fall upon him.
Malachi 1:14
And cursed he deceiving, and there is in his flock a male, and he vowed and sacrificed a corrupt thing to Jehovah: for I am a great king, said Jehovah of armies, and my name terrible among the nations.
John 1:29
In the morrow John sees Jesus coming to him, and says, Behold the Lamb of God, be taking away the sin of the world.