Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
Bible References
Luke 6:21
"Blessed are you who hunger now, because your hunger shall be satisfied. "Blessed are you who now weep aloud, because you shall laugh.
Matthew 5:6
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied.
John 6:11
Then Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks He distributed them to those who were resting on the ground; and also the fish in like manner--as much as they desired.
James 2:5
Listen, my dearly-loved brethren. Has not God chosen those whom the world regards as poor to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom which He has promised to those that love Him?
Revelation 7:16
They will never again be hungry or thirsty, and never again will the sun or any scorching heat trouble them.
Luke 6:24
"But alas for you rich men, because you already have your consolation!
Luke 12:16
And He spoke a parable to them. "A certain rich man's lands," He said, "yielded abundant crops,
Luke 16:19
"There was once a rich man who habitually arrayed himself in purple and fine linen, and enjoyed a splendid banquet every day,
Luke 18:11
The Pharisee, standing erect, prayed as follows by himself: "'O God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people--I am not a thief nor a cheat nor an adulterer, nor do I even resemble this tax-gatherer.
1 Corinthians 1:26
For consider, brethren, God's call to you. Not many who are wise with merely human wisdom, not many of position and influence, not many of noble birth have been called.
1 Corinthians 4:8
Every one of you already has all that heart can desire; already you have grown rich; without waiting for us, you have ascended your thrones! Yes indeed, would to God that you had ascended your thrones, that we also might reign with you!
James 2:6
But *you* have put dishonour upon the poor man. Yet is it not the rich who grind you down? Are not they the very people who drag you into the Law courts? --
James 5:1
Come, you rich men, weep aloud and howl for your sorrows which will soon be upon you.
Revelation 3:17
You say, I am rich, and have wealth stored up, and I stand in need of nothing; and you do not know that if there is a wretched creature it is *you* -- pitiable, poor, blind, naked.