Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

The strait

Bible References

The strait

Matthew 7:13
Enter through the narrow gate, since the gate to destruction is wide and the road that leads to destruction is wide and many enter through it.


Proverbs 1:24
I called you! I stretched out my hand to you. You paid no attention to me.
Proverbs 14:6
A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it. Knowledge is easy to him who discerns.
Proverbs 21:25
The desire of the lazy killed him for his hands refuse to work.
Ecclesiastes 10:15
The labor of the foolish wearies everyone of them, because he does not know how to go to the city.
Isaiah 1:15
When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you. Even though you offer many prayers, I will not listen because your hands are full of blood.
Isaiah 58:2
They seek me day by day. They delight to know my ways like a nation that has done righteousness and has not forsaken the ordinance of their God. They ask me for justice and delight. They are pleased that God is near.
Ezekiel 33:31
Then they come to you, as if they are still my people, and they sit down in front of you. They listen to what you say, but they do not do it. They say that they love me, but in their hearts they chase dishonest profits.
Mark 6:18
John said to Herod: It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife.
John 7:34
You will seek me and will not find me. You cannot come where I am going.
John 8:21
He said: I go away. You will seek me and will die in your sin. You cannot come where I go.
John 13:33
Little children I am with you for a little while. You will seek me and as I told the Jews now I say to you, where I go, you cannot come.
Romans 9:31
But Israel, pursuing after a law of righteousness, has not attained to that law.
Romans 10:3
They are ignorant of God's righteousness. They seek to establish their own righteousness and have not submitted to the righteousness of God.

General references

Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death.
Matthew 22:14
Many are called, but few chosen.
John 7:34
You will seek me and will not find me. You cannot come where I am going.